Tuesday, May 11, 2010

wanna know sumptin?

Ive got a little secret !
but I let the cat out of the bag to my mother and to my mother in law today..
there are a few others I need to tell..
but now I feel like telling my sweet and precious blogland friends!

I'm gonna be a grandma.......


what ever will I do with a grandbaby??????????????
eiy yie yie!

now.. dont get me wrong..
On one hand I'm thrilled at the thought.
on the other... Im terrified.

I've always told me kids not to have any babies,
because I dont want to worry about anyone else in my life.
I already have too many worries!

but, I always knew that one day...
one of my children would bless me with grandchildren.




so, Bethany would be the one blessing me now.
She and her boyfriend are very excited and will make wonderful parents.
However, Bethany is a diabetic and considered a high risk pregnancy.,
so if you wouldnt mind sending up some prayers for a uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery!
And.. of course.. for an absolutely perfectly healthy and beautiful baby..

Oh, and while we're asking for favors from above?? I think id like a girl.
yes, If I must play this game.. a girl would be my choice!
A boy would be perfectly wonderful as well...
but, girls like dolls, and pink and crafts and cute clothes.. and pink.. did I say pink?

Ive know for a couple weeks.. but didnt want to post on the internet until I had told some family members first.
yes, this one of the things that had been causing me stress and was putting me over the edge.
not that I wasnt happy,
just in shock (We didnt think Bethany would be able to get pregnant so easy. At least thats what her doctor told us a few years ago.) She has polycycstic ovary syndrome.
babys are blessings..
and now that I've had time to wrap my head around it..
I'm thinking..

OH MY GOD! I'm going to be a grandmother!!!
eiy yie yie!!!


  1. Congrats!! And big prayers that all goes just fine. And for a girl ;)

  2. Congrats!! I bet it was one special mother's day this year. =D

  3. Congratulations, everything will work out just perfect! And once you get over the shock of just being a grandma you will enjoy every bit of it! Hugs, Diane

  4. That is wonderful news, Viv, and yes, a girl! Girls are so much fun...I am still having fun doing crafts with mine. I am so lucky!

    I know that Bethany is high risk with diabetes and I am so glad she got pregnant with the PCOS. I had endometriosis and gestational diabetes...not the same but I was hospitalized for a month and a half and had a hard time. That kind of puts you in the club of hearing about everyone's difficulty and I know of them both from friends.

    I will say prayers for her...


  5. OH sweet VIV !!! A BLESSING __ I Love the quote -- HAving a child is to have your heart walking around outside your body --SO TRUE !!
    MY GRANDS ARE THAT __ GRAND!! and a new one on the way for me also as you know in AUgust --a boy from my Youngest son and wife !!!!!

  6. Yea VIV is gonna' be a Gamma! Whoo Hoo

    Congratulations missy, that's wonderful! I will be sending my prayers along as well.

    Lot's of hugs,

  7. Congrats Viv !!! My daughter is a diabetic too. I have 2 beautiful grand children!!! She will have to take care of yourself and test blood a lot .. Again congrats !!!

  8. Congratulations Viv. Being a grandma (Oma in my case) is the best job I've ever had. I'm so happy for you. You will be a wonderful GG gorgeous grandma. I don't comment often but this even made me come out of hiding.And of course Congratulations to Bethany and her beau.
    A girl, a boy, ......ah a baby.

  9. I can imagine the concern for Bethany's health. Medicine has come a long way, though. Praying for her to have an uncomplicated pregnancy culminating in a beautiful baby.

    I am so jealous!

    Don't worry, GRANDma! Be happy.

  10. I can imagine the concern for Bethany's health. Medicine has come a long way, though. Praying for her to have an uncomplicated pregnancy culminating in a beautiful baby.

    I am so jealous!

    Don't worry, GRANDma! Be happy.

  11. Oh VIV!!!! This is wonderful!!! Just breathe and enjoy....take it one day at a time! :) A Grandma!!!! WOW! I hope I get to be one one day too! The guys just aren't co-operating!!! LOL

  12. Congratulations!! That is absolutely wonderful news! I am a diabetic and was with my pregnancies. Just tell your daughter to watch her numbers closely and she will do fine.

  13. CONGRATS!!!! Definitely sending prayers your daughter's way!

    You know what you're going to do with a grand-baby?... spoil it with adorable crafts and goodies!

    You'll do amazing! That kid is going to think you're the best ever!!!!

  14. Congrats girlfriend!!! A baby gilr will be the perfect little plaything for a grandma!!! Sending loads of prayers to your family!

  15. Congratulations and a big hug from me to you.
    Being a grandmother is great.
    Hugs and a very nice weekend.
    You asked me about the dog, it's a Labradoodle.

  16. Viv, when my daughter came to me a age - gasp - FIFTEEN (I was 37) to tell me she was preggers, I just had to take a sec & breathe. So I UNDERSTAND why you were feeling frazzled. I'm glad tho' that you are okay with it now! Of course, I will keep Bethany in my prayers. And I will also keep my fingers crossed that you have a granddaughter! Grandsons are AWESOME but granddaughters are lots more fun to make pretty stuff for! LOL!

  17. A HUGE congratulations, Vivian!!! And, to Bethany and her special guy. This is tremendous. We will all help you and the parents to be in any way we can.
    The wee one is going to be born into a wonderful family, and he or she is going to have a lot of automatic virtual friends. : )
    Lots and lots of loves and huggies,

  18. Oh my goodness! Not my little Bethany! Well there grannie, you give her a big old hug from me and tell her that I will be praying for an easy uneventful pregnancy and a beautiful healthy baby♥

  19. Truly a Happy Mother's Day to you Viv! I am so happy for you. I am coveting your pink bicycle! Have fun! Hugs, E

  20. you are going to be the most awesome grammie ever Viv!! can't help you in the worry department though! xoxox nat

  21. You go girl! Here's hoping and praying for a healthy GIRL!!!!!!! I would trade shoes with you in a heartbeat! Thanks for sharing the great news......OH MY GOD!!!!!! Hugs,Terri

  22. Congrats! You will be a fabulous Grandma!

  23. Congratulations and Welcome into the world of grandmotherhood and don't kid yourself it isn't that easy either....You always wonder
    and worry if they are safe ,given enough love,and all that you worried about just as you did with your own children...BTW boys really are easier...

  24. You will be a wonderful Grandmother lady!! - can you imagine the fun craft days over at "grandmas" house??

    Keep your daughter as "stress free" as possible - peace is the path to a healthy pregnancy!

    BIg hugs for you

  25. congrats Viv!!! that is wonderful news...i will pray for your daughter to have a safe pregnancy!!!

  26. CONGRATS!! That is wonderful news. Being a Grandma is so much fun. You will make a wonderful loving grandma. You will love every minute of it especially when you hold your new grand baby for the first time. I'm senting lots of prayers for Bethany. I'm sure her doctor will take very good care of her and the baby (girl we hope or boy would be nice also).
    I'm so Happy for her and you.

  27. Awwwww, Congrats to mom to be and Grandma to be!! So exciting Viv!
    Will say prayers for Bethany to have a healthy pregnancy {and for a girl!}
    {hugs} :)

  28. congrats! and just to calm your mind, boys still like pink and fairy movies and mermaids and crafts and dress up too, mixed in with a little bit of roughness, mine do!
