Friday, January 7, 2011

here i am, i'm fine..

another window
Sorry to leave you all hanging on my last post and thank you for the kind comments and emails! I'm fine. was just ticked off and extremely frustrated that night, you know stupid stuff.. nothing out of the ordinary! just my life! Funny, sometimes I'm so grateful for my life the way it is, and other times, I hate it and wish that everything was different. but it is what it is.. and we make the best of what ever our situations are. Which for the most part I am pretty good at. anyways.. there are things that do really bother me that I have very little control over and that I cant fix or change myself. If I dwell on those things I can get myself worked up into quite a mix of anger and depression! Lucky for me, I can only stay in that spot for a very short time. So I have my pity party for a day and then move on!
so anyways.. Im fine.. fine fine.. yes.. just fine. Cant do anything about the other things that bother me.. unless maybe i had won the lottery the other night.. that would have surely helped! Yes.. money would solve some of my problems, no it would pretty much solve all of them!! but such is life.. such is my life..
so thank god its friday. I need the weekend so I can undo Christmas and start on Valentines! Before I was dreading the process.. its so much work, but now I'm looking forward to it. I wish I could stay home today but I cant. So thats pretty much how I will spend my weekend. putting away, cleaning and decorating for Valentines day! Then when thats finished I'll will start on valentine creating! I do need to get groceries.. I'll have to get them tonight, because truely I dont plan on leaving my house all weekend! OH.. and my other main goal for the weekend is to hold my baby! I havent seen him since last weekend!! ARHG!! the other day when i was struggling emotionally, I really wanted to stay home sick from work and have Bethany bring my baby over for the day! but.. I had to work!
OK.. this is getting long.. but i just didnt want to leave you all hanging!
huggles huggles huggles! love you all!


  1. I so wanted to stay home today, too! I'm glad you are okay, overall, though! I hope things start making you smile!

  2. Good to hear that you're fine, fine, fine! Love, love, love your Valentine Love Bug - so cute!
    Have a great weekend making the Chritmas-to-Valentine switch and holding htat sweet baby!

  3. Oh Vivian, URGH! I hate meltdowns, and you know I am the queen of them. It's a new day, and a weekend of crafting is ahead. Hugs, E

  4. We already 'talked' but I'm STILL glad you're okay! Right now I'M pretty overwhelmed with all I need to do before the 12th when I will be bombarded with SO many manuscripts. Plus I have to teach the first of the 3 January classes on the 15th. ARRRRGGGHHHH! But I'm going to breathe & tell myself I CAN do it. (And, if THAT doesn't work, I'll go ahead & have MYSELF a happy lil' meltdown! LOL!) LOVE YOU, VIV!

  5. Dear VIV -- seems like that is what we MOMs do -- get bucked off the galloping horse -- Do a little regrouping ( ie : a talk with GOd , ourselves -a hot bath soak and a snuggle with those who are our supporters -- GOD first --fam , friends- blog and otherwise -- YOu always get your perspective --going forward -- and do not camp out !!! THAnks for all the fun and encouragement you give back - MAny HUGS !! KAthy - ga ♥

  6. Glad to hear you are fine. Hope you have a great weekend, just be sure to take time to create and hold your baby!

  7. Yes winning the lottery would solve a whole lot of problems...stay true to your word and stay in all weekend. Huggles right back, Diane

  8. I'm glad you are feeling fine. Oh you so sound like Moi! When I get home today, I want to hibernate and not leave my house. This is when I really wish I could be Samantha, twitch my nose and all those decorations would fly into their boxes, and land in the attic! I love your word "huggles" I might have to borrow that! Have a snuggly, warm, peaceful weekend! Nan

  9. I am so glad to hear this. I am still praying for you my friend...m..

  10. Ugh, being a grown up is hard isn't it? Glad today is better!

  11. Boy, do I understand that. Lately I seem to have one about every week and then I move on. Life is too good to stay in that state, you know! I was a little worried when I saw your last post but I am glad you are better.

  12. Happy to see you back. I hate so interferes with my life..
