Sunday, September 2, 2007

Good Morning! That orange juice song is in my head ♪good morning..good morning ♪♪ (be glad you cant hear me!)
OK.. It is cold out this morning.. which means because every window in my little cottage (I call it a cottage in the summer and a cabin in the gives this tiny house much more appeal in my simple little mind!!) that is is very cold inside! I could actually use a pair of mittens!


I got the name of my person to send my vintage banner to yesterday.. and tonight we learn who our Halloween swap partners are! How excieting! At least I think so! I already have my halloween things done.. they are sooo cute.. (at least I think so!) The vintage banner I'm a little unsure still of what to make.
And for the 12 days of christmas swap... I've already started on that! In fact I hope to work on them some more today..
but first I have another project to work on!
well I'm off to make a pot of tea to start my day and warm my hands !
Tomorrow? Picnic.. somewhere.. we havent decided where yet!
oh and just because i feel like telling you.. I burnt some bacon last night night.. and even with the windows open all night.. I can still smell the nasty old stuff! time to light some candles!


  1. i had to check to see what group you are in for the 12 days swap! so i didn't post any incrimidating "secrets"! I'm in group 1! Your blog looks wonderful! So happy to be your halloween swap partner!

  2. I love the little green chair with plant- so sweet!!!
