Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hello everybody! just wanted to take a minute to give you a quick update on the doll swap. so far so good. There are about 11 of us right now and we still have 6 days left for signing up. Hopefully there are a few more creative doll makers out there who want to join in the fun. keep spreading the word!
I promised my friend Terri at , who gave me this sweet little award that I would pass it on this week.. so on with award giving!
This award is for all of you dolly makers who are signing up for the doll swap... because you are soo making my day (days) by joining! so this is for you:

mica at garboodles

Well that was a lot of work getting all of these address's on here! hopefully they work!

HEY! Yay! I have all of my valentine swap things finished! So off to the mail tomorrow or saturday!

then I can start on the easter stuff!

I also have to come up with a little valentine craft because I'm having a little tea party on feb 2nd. two of my girlfriends are coming over to play. I have to think of something fairly quick but awesome! any great ideas anyone?

but for now I really need to go work on a couple bear orders.. that need to be done , one tomorrow and two on sat! I'll post pictures tomorrow!


  1. Viv, your new valentine banner is adorable:) i'm glad you have those girls signed up for your dolls swap, i see some very good doll makers in that bunch, i hope you all have fun:)

  2. Hi Vivian,
    I stumbled across your page and I love, love, love it! I was wondering if you had anymore room in your doll swap? I am new to this blog, but you can see some of my dolls on here or at This is such a great idea!!!

  3. Hello Vivian,
    I have not visited in a few days and I sure love you your daughter is very talented, I noticed that right away! That is my next thing I want to try to do...hmmmmm

    Glad for your visit lately, wish I had more time for the doll swap, sound like fun..all of a sudden we are busy w/stuffffff (but fun) Keep us posted, should be great!


  4. VIv - oh your banner is so cute , said it before , but what a delight . Sorry , :( - not a doll maker -- The tae sounds lovely --
    hmm i looked at Martha site yesterday -- under crafts- valentines - cute ideas there -- also I think I posted my sign idea from Teresa M > class on my flikr -- It started with a bingo card -- and you randomly put shapes , paper -torn etc -- then something about you and a picture -- (no pics 0f me yikes ) added an angel buttons -pom at bottom -- did the card on one side of 81/2 x 11 folder over to add thickness and glued -- then an element at the top -- i used scrabble said me but could be anything or totally valentines -- will send it if you need it -- also a bingo basis if you need -- it is basically covered up . brain tired today lol -- Kathy (

  5. THANK YOU FOR THE AWARD!!! sooo happy to see the dolly swap is progressing!!!


  6. Thank you for the Award. :-) That's very sweet of you. Can't wait to see how many sign up for the doll swap. We are going to have fun. Thanks again for Hosting the Doll Swap.

  7. Those two little bears are Adorable!
    Sandra Evertson
