Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hello all... watching american idol right now.. wondering who will go off tonight. Its a good group.. I cant even guess anymore! I have a couple favorites, Jason and young david (cant remember last name..) People that i didnt think I liked at all early on, I now like.. like the other david. My daughter likes michael from australia.. he is cute!

you should scroll down and turn off the music on the side bar before you turn this on,, or you'll be listening to two things at once!!

Tomorrow night I'm going to see Hairspray ! one of our local tv stations had a contest, you had to email pics of a crazy hairdo, jen had one from a musical she was in with her hair full of ringlets.. and she won! So she and I are going. The funny thing is that she had just bought tickets to go with her friends on sunday, so she is going twice this weekend. I saw it when I went to NY city in november. it was awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing it again.
The brakes went in my car last night. yup I was driving and then all of sudden had none.. I did know that they werent right and was trying to get home with it, but I ended up pulling in some where and having my husband come and get me. He had it fixed today, and just went to get my car a little while ago.
So I hope everyone has contacted their swap partners and is starting to plan their creation! I have.. I'm very excieted and cant wait to get started on mine. But first I have two more bear orders to get done. I never did take a picture of the two bears I had made for the lady who had lost her daughter. these next two bears are not for someone who has died, one is a graduation present for someones daughter made out of her school uniform. and the other is for someone for mothers day, made out of her sons outfit that he wore as an infant. I'll hopefully finish both this weekend. I'm on call for work though. Hopefully wont be too busy with that!
I ate too much for dinner! blah! and then I got mad at my son and husband and ate a ton of m&m's now I feel ill and stuffed!! It is time to get jammies on, get a glass of water and curl up on the couch!!
sorry no pics tonight. sometimes Im pretty boring!!
I was going to post something from You tube, but couldnt figure it out! ( opps.. figured it out! thanks Lori!)
okeedokie.. good night all!


  1. hey Viv:) have fun at hairspray...i think to post something from you tube you just copy the address and add it to your post using the video icon, next to the picture uploader...wait a minute...i did that before...yup, i'm pretty sure that's all there is to it

  2. Viv) I got ahold of my partner and mailed her bear out today. She is mailing me a fairy. I made a playpen, blanket and a course she had to take her doll. I wrote a note to the new Mommy.Thanks for the swap send picture later. love Debb

  3. I know you will have a blast at the play. Have a beautiful weekend...Mary

  4. Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Webcam, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

  5. i was sooooo sad to see michael from australia get sent home!!! my fav is jason and then's getting tense...
    thanks for stopping daughter is doing as best as can be expected...(she didn't work last nite, whew...) stressful...

    big hugz!
