Monday, March 23, 2009

going postal!

where is my postoffice fairy?? I have these packages all set to go to the post office, but I'm home sick. I'm not 100 % sure that I will get to the PO today. And,I dont think they are going to like me there when I do get there! I have 4 garbage bags full of packages.. 35 sets of eggs ready to go. Jennifer and I worked on them yesterday and last night, shes such a good egg! well anyways I'm going to lie down.. I'm freezing! I hope everyone else is healthy.. because it sucks to be sick! I have no voice!
see yas later!


  1. That was a huge undertaking----------I hope you feel better--if you had a voice I think if you call--they might do a pick up at your house--or look on the internet if you can't talk----might take the pressure off, and when you feel up to going to work you won't have that worry any more---you will be done!!!!!FEEL BETTER-----REST!!!!!!!!!!

  2. OMG!!! Can't wait to hear about the post office visit...YIKES! Hope you feel better real soon..poor thing. Take care of you, those eggs can wait :)

  3. eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! ohmygosh...i can't believe you have to lug all of that to the are such a good girl Viv:) i hope you feel better soon!!!

  4. Hi Vivian, did you remember the pics? I bet the post office loved you. lol I can't wait to see all the creations.

  5. Oh so sorry you are sick - and hawas trying to get all those boxes done -- REst - they can wait -- We want you to feel better-

  6. I'm sorry you are sick. We're both home without voices!


  7. aw Viv- sorry to hear you're sick! I hope you feel better by the weekend!!
    You are crazy!!-those boxes! holy crap! the other people in the PO are definitely going to be shooting you looks! HA! glad we don't frequent the same PO!
    talk soon, xo nat

  8. Ohhh, I hope you feel better soon. So far, we have avoided the bug this year. And regarding that post office visit,I think I would have to recruit some help on those packages. Yikes! Hang in there, Susan.

  9. I am so sorry that you are sick!! I am sending prayers for a speeedy recovery....(Oh and I am bring over the hot tea and chicken soup) LOL!!!!

  10. Sure hope you feel better soon!!! Man, that's a truck load of packages.

  11. Wooo! Amazing...
    OOh my nephew and my mom sick too, get well soon and drink more water:)


  12. Oh my goodness, what a lot of packages! I think the P.O. will love you, but it's the people behind you in line that probably won't! Get better!!!!

  13. We're all sick down here in Tasmania too,:P

    OMG Look what you've done you created a monster.
    So looking forward to reading what happened at the post office, you should take a camera crew with you! Good luck with it all.
    lots of healthy thoughts your way

  14. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    The post office is going to lock the doors when they see you coming, Viv. I can't wait to hear about the reaction.

    Thanks for hosting this huge undertaking. I'm starting to get excited!

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