Friday, August 28, 2009

I'll show you how...

A couple girls asked how I made the little pumpkin head man that my halloween bear is holding a few posts back. So, since I was making a bunch more this afternoon I thought why not show you.. So you start with miniature plastic/ styrofoam filled pumpkins.. If you can find white, buy them.. It was cheaper for me to get these and paint them, though I do prefer the other.

I painted them off white, which I didnt have,
so I mixed a little white with a tiny bit of goldenrod yellow.

After you paint them white.. splatter them with a little bit of orange, tiny splatters. I water the paint down a little bit, dip the brush in and then tap the paint brush with my finger to cause tiny splatters.

Then paint your faces on, how ever you want them to look..

While my faces were drying I made collars for them out of black crepe paper.

I then folded some fairly heavy wire , like shown below

and put it through the head like this...

then through a collar,

and then into the pumpkin body.

I did add a little bit of hot glue and held it tight for a minute
to make sure it was going to hold.

I used some black halloween ribbon and tied a bow around his neck.

Then it was time for his arms and legs.. just cut some pipe cleaners,
either orange or black to the lengths you want
and stick them right into the pumpkin body.

Then use a pencil or paint brush to curl the ends of the pipe cleaners into little tendrils to make hands and feet!

Then TA-DA! You have a little pumpkin head man!
I put witches hats on a couple of them too and made a garland of them.
in other news... my car is broken.. some pipe or line or something that goes to the radiator..

so, i'm home for the weekend

maybe even a pajama day tomorrow,
its supposed to be cold and rainy.
i'll cuddle with my kittens!

look! all my pictures are little!
gotta go kitten cuddle now


  1. Great tutorial Viv! You made everything look so's amazing how easy things are when you're shown how.
    And don't I know how you feel without your car...I still have eight weeks to wait for mine...YUK!! Well at least we will get some work done...that is if I ever get off this darn 'puter!
    Hope you enjoy your weekend.

  2. really neat.... i just love the pumpkin man!

  3. He is so freakin cute!!
    Great tutorial!!
    Have a fantastic evening!

  4. Great tutorial.

    Every time I see your kittens, I need to hug Trophy. Where is he?

    He isn't a lap kitty. He will sit next to a person, but he doesn't like to be help. Such a crotchety old man!

  5. OH. MY. GOSH. What a cute idea and great tutorial. I'm sold!

  6. I am sooooooo going to make some of those cuties, thanks for sharing how you made them. Your such a sweetie~

  7. VIV too cute -- thanks for the tutorial --Hope to get some made - Kathy - ga

  8. Those are just ideal, and the curly legs are the best part!

  9. Wonderful idea Viv!!!

  10. Vivian, You are the best! I have always wanted to know how to make a pumpkin creature. It is now on my list! I too am having a craft day - a day to finish YOUR tags before starting on YOUR pincushions! It seems this day is all about YOU! Have fun, hope for rain! E

  11. The pumpkins are sooooo CUTE!! That was sweet of you to post how you make them.

    I'm supposed to be creating BUT I'm only creating right now as I type. LOL I really have to get back to finishing the PinKeep for the swap. :-)

    Well, I'll send some of our heat your way. It's 108 here today. Yesterday it was 109 depending on what area of the valley you live in. Some areas were higher as they are today.

    Your kitty's are so cute, I don't blame you for cuddling with them.

  12. Wonderful, Vivian, and thank you so, so much for doing the great tutorial. I really appreciate it. Your innovative creativity knows no bounds and I am truly so happy to know you.
    Lots of love,
    Cindy~Thimbleprims Studio

  13. it' s adorable! you've got some talent in creating that and painting those little faces :)
