Sunday, January 10, 2010

Been playin!

Remember all this fun wool? Well, when I wasnt working on call this weekend, I was playing in this box! And, making this mess! I did clean my craft room up this afternoon.. and i made some chicken salad.. but thats all I did. I never even put the laundry away!

I finished up these little mice. I named them something.. but I cant remember what the heck I named them! I think it was tilly and who knows what the heck the boys name was!! eiy yie yie! this memory is horrible!

I made these little friends using those little candle mobob things.. And by the way I did go and buy the rest of them. there were 20 more ! Terri.. if you email me your address, I'll send you some. I thought they would be gone, but must be no one else had any ideas of what to do with them!! good for me!

I also had to make a gnome after being inspired by elizabeth and Paula.. This one will be on his way to live with my sweet E .

I have a few packages going out tomorrow! Surprises for a few friends and some swappy things!

Thats all for tonight I think. Im pooped out and I have a bit of a back ache. I think I'm going to go have a little snacky and some hot choc.. still have points to use up today!
OH !!! Frannie is huge! I took some pics of her, they're on flickr if you want to see them. She's due a week from today, if I figured correctly. I'm really getting nervous about it now. I keep thinking what if shes too little and too young? what if something goes wrong? What if I'm not home? what if I am home.. I'll be a wreck! What if figgy causes problems and tries to hurt them? What if frannie doesnt know what to do with them? What if any of them die! ok.. so say a little prayer for an easy uneventful birth! I know, .. you'd think one of my kids was expecting! sorry.. I have to admit that I'm surprised that I'm this worried! Im guessing that she'll have 4 kittens. but really I have no clue!
ok.. snack time!! see yas tomorrow!


  1. Viv!!!
    Those are really CuTe!!!!!!!!!!
    They look so sweet and playful!

  2. Darling creations, you are amazing, such talent! So fun to see your latest creations. Hugs, Diane

  3. everything is so cute!!
    hope you are staying warm. enjoy the week! xo nat

  4. Lots of cuteness !! working away here to get all my swappies finished - I can't blame you for nervousness about your kitty - all will go well i am sure --kathy - ga ♥

  5. I WISH I knew how to felt! How cute all your new pretties are! You make the most darling lil' critters, Viv! And try not to worry about your kitty! She will be fine, and you are an AWESOME 'mommy' so you will be right there for her! But she is in my thoughts & I am FIRMLY believing she will have a safe & easy delivery AND produce some little fuzzy-babies just as cute as SHE is! Love you!

  6. VIV...I have to have one of those GNOMES! Can I buy one from you pretty please??? No hurry. I LOVE HIM!
    You made me jump up and down!!! Wink!

  7. OH VIV! The mice and bluebird and gnome and mushroom are ALL too die for! How I wish I could manage needle felting! As you probably know, anything with a needle involved leaves me a bit challenged...however, I imagine it is a FUN kind of thing to do, yes?

    If "E" is the Queen of Cute (and she IS) then certainly you are the Princess!

    LOve, love, love! Thanks for joining the gnome party via your little felted friend!

  8. OMGosh! That littl gnome by the mushroom is just adorable!

  9. I loved seeing you sweet crafts today...they are all so wonderful!

  10. They are all so cute!!

    Your kitties will be ok. I remember my kitty having kittens when I was in 5th grade. She had them in my room and I got to be there. The best day ever!! (She had 6 babies.)

  11. Hello Viv~Congratulations on the impending kitties! Was this a surprise? You know I'll never tire of hearing or seeing kitty news.

    Your little creations look so cute sittin' in the the candle fobs.

    Thanks for coming by for a visit.
    I'm getting back into our new 2010 routine.

    sweet wishes,

  12. Hi, I just love these!!!! Gosh they are so cute! I just want to have them all!!!! I bet I know where the gnome is going! :) I just found your blog from Elizabeth at CB......I lvoe craft people! LOL

  13. Everything is cute!

    Don't worry. My Sheba was about the same age, and she did beautifully with the babies. Nature works out things fine.

  14. Vivian, You craft in a small space too. Is that why we both create small things? LOL Oh Vivian, I am so slow! Now I know what the candle thing a ma bobies are - just came to me - the little silver clips! Precious beyond belief. You amaze me my friend! E
