Tuesday, January 19, 2010

could I just stay home everyday please???

Its so hard to tear myself away from so much sweetness to go to work....
At least its only a 4 day work week, one down and only three to go! It'll go by fast. Hey!! I lost two more pounds tonight at weight watchers! for a total of 36.6 pounds now. After weight watchers I went to the gym for 45 minutes. Would have stayed longer but two friends were coming over to see the kittens.. and it was american idol night.. cant miss that.

I should be working on a swap project, but I think I'm actually going to go to bed early, by 11:00, that's early for me! I have a few swaps finished.. but I need to find something to mail them in. I feel like I've forgotten a swap.. (gosh I hope not.. but I have such a bad memory!) hey If I joined a swap with you.. let me know!

OK.. girls.. just checking in for the night and wanted to post these few pics.. the babies are doing fine.. I think they are growing already. Frannie and Figgy are very good parents and are very proud of their little pumkin heads!

They just crack me up! Ok.. I'm off to do a little blog hopping.. then off to bed I go!
Have a great tomorrow!
oh yeah. this is my 400th post! I shall have to think of something.. a giveaway.. or a challange or something..


  1. o man !!! The second picture!!! It looks like Figgy is talking to her and the babies. He's sayin' Yes My dears sleep and Daddy will take care of everything.. These pics are great. You captured some special moments. Hugs, Mica

  2. OMG Viv, Those pictures are just priceless. Figgy and Frannie truly do love each other. You can really see it in their eyes. What a beautiful little family you have. I wouldn't want to go to work either. Congrats on th babies and your weight loss. Blessings, Linda

  3. Yippee on your weight loss Viv!!!

  4. I have to say, I've never seen a male cat so attentive to kittens! The first and second picture are TOO sweet, what a darling bunch of cats!

    No worries, you can go to work and I'LL watch them! :)

  5. I'm going to have to check in every day for my kitty fix.

    I've been begging Mr. Bojo for a kitty, but he is holding firm. He is probably right. Trophy is an old man and probably wouldn't appreciate a kitty.

    Can you get Family Leave to stay at home with your precious babies? :D

  6. Viv, i am absolutely stunned about what a good boy Figgy is...he is really watching over Frannie and those babies...these pictures are SO sweet!!!

  7. VIV < YAhoo , girl you are amazing -- sticking to your plan -
    congrats !!-
    The kitties are too precious --
    Figgy is so attentive - what a sweet family - Kathy - ga ♥

  8. Girl, you are a WHIRLWIND of activity! I don't know how you keep up with YOURSELF much less everything ELSE! The kitties? So cute it's painful! As for the weight loss, pretty lady, you are a rock star! I'm so proud of you, Viv! This decidedly round person KNOWS what a hard thing losing weight can be. But you are doing great! And congratulations on your 400th post!

  9. Over the top cute babies. Who could not love em? And I know, it's so hard to leave em! Personally I cuddle with the doggies but these pictures make me want a kitty kat for sure!

  10. I would have to sit and look at them all day...they are so precious.


  11. Just too doggone cute. Congrats on the weight loss. I'm impressed.

  12. Viv- I'm so proud of you! For standing firm and trying. I applaud that you "cheat" once in a while and treat yourself. It's all in the balance. You get right back on track and that my friend- is the secret to successful dieting! Portions and knowing when to give in! You go girl!
    And the parents and kittos. Man- I've never seen such a devoted Dad as Figgy! He ROCKS! Precious and Frannie & kittos are lucky! I love it!
    Congrats on your 400th post too! WOW!

  13. Great photos Viv! I just love their cute pink tootsies and ears...ssooo cute!!
    Thanks for stopping by yesterday, haven't seen you in ages...I think our link must have dropped out or something...will click your follow again and see what happens.
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  14. They´re here! And I missed it! Stupid exams...
    Congratulations on the expansion! They look so good and I love that Figgy is acting like a sweet daddy :)

  15. Congrats! So glad they are here safely. And soooo cute!

  16. SUCH SWEET PICS!!!! LOTS OF AWWWW FACTORS!!.... CONGRATS ON YOUR WEIGHTLOSS!!!! big gianormous hugz!!! and love

  17. omg- look at those tiny kitties!!!! I am SOooo expecting one in my petite valentine's matchbox!! :)

  18. Awwwww babies!
    I love babies!!!!!

    Viv those photos are great.....
    Thanks for sharing your babies with us and congrats on the weight loss...... that is a huge accomplishment and I know you are working hard! Two thumbs up dear friend!

    Hugz, Doll

  19. You are cracking me up with these love-cats! Ok, big cozy snuggle fest!
    and wow- 36 pounds! I can't wait to see you hot mama!
    I sent out my orni's today- should have them in a day or 2.
    xox nat

  20. Oh My Word !! They are adorable !! I have never seen a male cat involved like that. Usually the Mom will hiss and spat at them. That is the Sweetest thing !! :) Happy Grandma Day !! :)

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  22. I'm in love with mom/dad and the babies! So darn cute! You Valentine box is great. I love this swap as I'm having fun making one too!
