Monday, February 8, 2010


comfort and joy
This is how I'm spending my evening.
I was going to blog hop (blop)
but Im cold!
going to get a blankie
and a kitty!
see yas tomorrow!


  1. such a cozy picture! you just need a warm cup of cocoa... or maybe that's just me :)

  2. Hi Vivian! It was such fun to see Natalea and her daughter at her tea party. Boy does she look like her Mom! I have popped over to you from Joy's Thoughts and Things blog - You have to go back to the beginning - I didn't notice he is collecting little heart pieces. Too cute for words. OMG your kitties have personalities now! Oh Vivian, how will you ever give them away? It is such fun to visit you before shut eye - a very long assignment for me, not enough time to craft! E

  3. hope you had a nice snuggle-y evening! i have to tell you - i have loved every minute of the kitten adventure. those little puffs are way too much cute!

  4. you have lots of kitties to choose from now:) hope you had a nice evening Viv!!!

  5. If that doesn't look cozy and fun, I can't imagine what would!

    I found your blog on another blog and had to check it out. I'm now follower 175? Is that right?!

  6. VIV , yes that was me also last night -- busy weekend !! Kathy - ga ♥

  7. OH VIV __ received my package -- I adore your ornament as well as all the others -- I love it that is has felting -Thank you !-- can't wait to decorate my little tree -- so I can post that picture --Kathy - ga ♥ p.s. the candy was yummy -- and I adore the little box--

  8. Cute- makes me wanna do the same as wind is picking up around here and we're expecting more rain!
    And Popcorn sounds good too!
    And I want that Bears magazine. lol
    Our local B&N doesn't carry it? And other book stores don't either. What! I know - they don't carry it! *pouts*
    Have fun with the kittos!

  9. This is so funny Vivian because I have all my new magazines laid out to read too! We have lots of snow here. Brrr.

  10. Sounds like a purrfect evening! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments!

  11. Vivian~ you deserve a quiet relaxing afternoon...after taking care of all those precious kitties. What an adorable lil' family. Please bring more videos of Frannie, Figgy and the kids!
    My cat does the howling thing too...usually at 4 in the A-M!!
    I figure it's her way of letting me know she wants her treats.

    Your afternoon tea looked sooo fun, especially with those amazing goodies.
    Sweet wishes,

  12. Sweet sweet baby kitties I could just hug em and squeeze em all the time!!!!
