Wednesday, February 24, 2010

just stuff..

Good morning bloggie pals! Just a couple things.. then its off to work I go! I wish I could stay home! DO I say that alot??? oh well.. such is life. I am greatful that I have a good job and that for the most part I like it, but is seriously cuts into my play time!
I was supposed to be on a spending freeze.. dont know what happened to that! Over the weekend, I bought a bunch of supplies for easter crafting! Hobby Lobby and Michaels had lots of goodies. Plus I spent about 150.00 on line at several different places! so packages should be rolling in this week! cant wait to see everything.
I wish I had more time to spend here this morning, but I dont... I did want to show you a few new baby pics though? Are you sick of them yet?? they are wild! I have freaken scratches all over my legs. When we walk into the kitchen they throw them selves on to our legs and climb! it sort of ticks me off! My husband has gone from calling them grubs to paranas! cracks me up! anyways, heres a few pics! They are really cute. they'll be six weeks old this weekend. technically I could start letting them go. but I'll hang on at least another week.

Arent they cute?? No.. Arent they FREAKEN CUTE?? they should come with out claws and teeth though! Frannie agrees.. yup.. shes scolds them quite often!
Dont forget only two more days to sign up for the bunny swap. There are 17 of us right now. A very nice managable number! But would be glad to have a few more. click here to get to the details!
ok.. hi ho hi ho.. its off to work i go... blaahhhyukkkoooo ! and its snowing out .. thats a double blaaahhhyukkkooooo!!!!
Oh , yeah, Diane.. be watching your mail for this!


  1. Viv, when one of our cats had kittens a long while ago, i had to wear a full length robe around the house, because i would have kittens everywhere trying to crawl up my worked great!!!
    lucky girl Diane, to be getting that your new glitter colors!!!

  2. Yes...those spending freezes...I've supposedly been on one for quite a while now...not sure I'm doing so well with it, though!

    What adorable babies you have! And your Easter project--delightful! Work really does cut into our time, doesn't it? But, it provides the means to buy more goodies, right?!

    Have a wonderful day today!

  3. Oh, wow, Lucky Diane!!! I feel myself turning green as I type this. : )
    And, those babies!!! I loves them! I'm going to miss them, Vivian. They are such beauties.
    Hey Viv, I'm having a new giveaway on my blog.
    Lots and lots of love and hugs for you and for all of the cats--parents and babies alike,

  4. I could never get tired of seeing those sweet little faces....they are just too stinkin' cute!!

    I can't wait to see what you will be making with all your new supplies!


  5. Oh, yum...I need a Michael's run...and fast! Better find that coupon! Those colors are wonderful and I am so anxious for Spring. WE have three feet of snow on the ground in Minnesota so that sill be in...uh...April! But I can still craft my way through!

    The kitties are adorable and I never get too much of them!

  6. Oh, yum...I need a Michael's run...and fast! Better find that coupon! Those colors are wonderful and I am so anxious for Spring. WE have three feet of snow on the ground in Minnesota so that sill be in...uh...April! But I can still craft my way through!

    The kitties are adorable and I never get too much of them!

  7. I'm sorry to be laughing at your pain...but oh! The memories of kittens...just like that jumping on our legs when we walked by! lol!! Plus, we had long drapes and they'd climb up like crazy and hang there swinging!! SO CUTE!...poor drapes!

  8. VIV always sweetness and fun coming from your house -- want to be your neighbor -- but couldn't handle the snow -YIkes --
    The kittens are so so cute --
    girl ya gotta protect those "GAMS " uh think that is from an old movie -- so wear you osme boots when the babies come clawing lol -- HUGZ _ KAthy - ga ♥

  9. I'm going to miss those kitties when they go to new homes!

    My poor Trophy is at the vet. He had diarrhea for a couple of days, and now he is impacted. He is getting an enema! Mr. Bojo took him, so I'm looking forward to them getting home so I can see my poor boy.

  10. They are still the sweest ever. Have a great week-end...m..

  11. You have a kitten-kabodul for sure! It'll be hard to kiss them goodbye I'm sure! I re-sent my info to you last night. Off to the land of work, just like you...I just wanna play all day too!

  12. Oh - I just love Easter decor!!!

  13. How cute those babies are. Love them. Makes me want a kitten. Kat wouldn't like that. He probably wouldn't be nice to a kitten.

    Love all your Easter Goodies! You just got me into Easter Mood! :-)

  14. It's me again. :-) I want to join in on the Easter Swap please. I posted a comment on the Easter Swap post but thought I better post on here also. :-)
    Hugs, Fran
