Tuesday, August 3, 2010


You know how some people have that addictive personality trait? The type of people who get obsessed with things? You know the type that cant stop thinking about getting something, or needing something, or going somewhere... or doing something? Well, I am one of them!
hello, my name is vivian and I am addicted to berry smoothies.
It all started with Mcdonalds new wildberry smoothie. 4 points and OH so delicious! I figured I can eat a salad for lunch with a medium smoothie and thats pretty much a perfect lunch! I thought once in a while that would be ok.... but it has turned into an everyday event.. even on the weekends.. And if I dont have one during the day, like yesterday? Then I get my hubby to bring me one home!
I suppose there are worse things to be addicted too really. Right?
I also found these not too long ago. Two points a serving.
one pack makes two servings. And they are soooo good!
But really, if you drink the whole thing its only 4 points!
4 points is alot for a snack really, but Ive been making room for it everyday!
Tonight I sat out on the porch after my 5 mile bike
ride sipping on my giant smoothie..
yes, a perfect way to spend a summer evening!
and now???
I cant wait to have another one tomorrow!!
Yes.. addiction...


Compulsive need for and use of a habit forming substance (as wildberry smoothies, herion, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal.


A persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling.

night all... sweet dreams!!


  1. How funny, my sister was just singing the praises of the McyD's smoothie to me today! She said they are yummy too, good to know they aren't tooo bad for us. I am on an evening smoothie kick too.

  2. Hi Viv,

    I find your addiction/obsession perfectly normal........hmmmmm

    I haven't tried these yet, but I shall endeavor to do so, soon. Thank you for the rousing accolades.


  3. I agree, they are delicious, imagine my delight when, on a cross country trip this last weekend, I got a coupon for a free one attached to my iced tea! YAY!!!

  4. Seriously? The McDonald's ones are only 4 points? That means I don't even HAVE to feel guilty about them anymore! YAY! Happy DAY!

  5. Yeppers! I have a McD's iced MOCHA addiction! NOT a good food choice. Sigh. But ONE SMALL MOCHA every other Tuesday ... well, I HAVE to! By the way, lil' Viv, YOU are addictive! (And adorable!)

  6. HMM GURL!! well I will fess up !!
    I so love SONIC -- strawberry LImeades -- and I want the Route #44 -- a GIant one --also #2 -- So in ♥ with Tim Holtz --"STUFF"
    and you tube art tutorials -- esp mini books --
    ***** LAST but not least ***
    NEED MY NEW "GRANDSON " FIX everyday !!-- Kathy - ga ♥

  7. Oh yum!!

    How much have you lost now?
    I have lost 15. (WW rocks)

  8. Even better might be a fresh one throwing fruits into a blender w/some apple juice...we made these for Ken, with some crushed ice, and they were quick and amazing.

    There are worse things than the berry smoothie , no doubt:)

  9. this makes me want a smoothie mom! ug. it's 1:30 in the morning ... i will not make torry go to mcdonalds and get me on! :-D

  10. We recently discovered those Yoplait Smoothies at Costco too...talk about DELICIOUS!!!

  11. lol you are cute Vivian! i think your addiction is just fine! if it was an addiction to big macs it would be a different story. smoothies are great, especially in your summer! enjoy!!!

  12. That looks so yummy! i get your addiction totally, viv!

    My husband and I are on South Beach (ten pounds down in three weeks). It is much harder to eat out because so much has sugar or corn syrup but his blood sugar was elevated and it seemed like the way to go. I could do this at home with Splenda, though! i love smoothies in the summer and totally forgot about that! The next trick will be finding sugar free yogurt!

