Thursday, August 19, 2010

unexpected shower... or was it expected?!

(thinking about 8 mile bike ride..
so I can eat something extra,
like a little ice cream!)

ME: "I hear thunder!"

him: your fine.. just go!

me: but it might rain.

him: no its not.. just go!

me: ok.. but I hear thunder......

Him: no you dont.. just go!

8 miles.. turned into 4..

two of them were at high speed

and were very WET!!!

I have rain water in my ears.

but I do have to admit..

it was quite invigorating and refreshing..

and scarey..

I couldnt see a thing because my glasses were wet

and I was worried about lightening!

now im in my jammies!
alittle edit here...
this was yummy yummy in my tummy!


  1. And you still look fantastic! I think you deserve a little ice cream;-)

  2. I adore you Viv! Cute as can be you are! E

  3. I am so impressed with your determination. I wish I lived by you, I need a workout buddy.
    xxoo Valarie

  4. I agree with the others...your determination and stick to it tiveness is inspirational....and why yes you are as cute as a button. come see me too at Olde Baggs n Stuft's a 2nd star to the right Saturday and with your Tinkerbell qualities you might enjoy. The Olde Bagg

  5. Rain Storm does call for that great Dessert !!! lol

  6. A just reward for a rainy ride if you ask me! You have been my inspiration...I need some more of your brilliant and easy low-point foods. I'm in a rut. Hope your beach day goes well.

  7. I'm jumping right ON the 'You are adorable' bandwagon because - YES! - you ARE! And note to Viv: Hubby has proven something ... HE IS NOT A WEATHERMAN! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!(Come to think of it, maybe he IS. Half the time the weathermen get it wrong!)

  8. I try to talk myself out of my walks too but it is definitely invigorating being out there in the rain.


  9. ROTFLOL!!!

    Oh, Viv... I love it. (especially the part about being in jammies -Sounds so good, I think I'll follow suit) :)

    Thanks for the kind words you left on my blog the other day. {{{Hugs}}} You're a dear sweet soul, and I'm so glad we found each other in this great big blog world.
