Monday, October 4, 2010

the monster mash!

monster 1
I found the cutest fabric that inspired these little monsters! I had to buy it and then a sweet friend at work offered to make a little quilt for my little grandbuddys shower. she made the quilt
and I made monsters to go with it!
monster 2
I had fun making them, though I was short on time, it was a last minute thing! IN fact.... I bought the fabric for the bear and the monster blanket on tuesday after work, came home stayed up til after midnight working on the bear, then got up at 4:30 to finish it!
monster 3
Then at work that day I was talking about the fabric and my friend said she thought she could make a little rag quilt and being in back to me by friday. but guess what??? she had it sitting on my desk the next morning, totally finished!!!!! Adorable! So I got started on the monsters and had them finished and turned into a mobile by sat morning! Now I want to get it back from Bethany, because I decided its not really finished, I want to add some little felted balls or something to it.
monster 4
I love the little monsters though.. they are so cute!
monster 5
I'm not sure these pictures do them justice!
And Here is the little chenille panda bear
that I made for my little grandbaby!
teddy  for bethanys shower
Hes wearing a tag that says, "baby Torry, Grammie loves you sooo much, even before you were born!"
torrys teddy
OK.. off I go to do some blog hopping and
catching up with you happy little bloggers!
Tomorrow I'll try to post pics of some of my birthday presents!!
see yas at your places soon!


  1. Hi Vivian, I've decided that next year there is going to be a get together of some sort, somewhere, for all our blogging friends to meet. I'm going to begin saving now! I need to learn new crafts! There are only so many felt things I can make! LOL! I just unboxed my pincushion you made for me, and my gosh, is it ever wonderful! You are the best. Love your Monster Mash. Have you seen the MM at Hallmark? I'll think of you now! E

  2. Hi Vivie!
    Your monsters are beyond adorable! Such a perfect little gift for a grandbaby! And the panda! OH MY GOODNESS it's So SWEET! I just bought one of Meri Wileys sculptures for my new granddaughter (arriving Wednesday of this week!) Something soft for her to snuggle would be adorable tho...if only I weren't so hideously SEWING CHALLENGED!

    You are just a very multi talented chick, aren't you? Jealous! SO JEALOUS!

  3. Hi Vivie!
    Your monsters are beyond adorable! Such a perfect little gift for a grandbaby! And the panda! OH MY GOODNESS it's So SWEET! I just bought one of Meri Wileys sculptures for my new granddaughter (arriving Wednesday of this week!) Something soft for her to snuggle would be adorable tho...if only I weren't so hideously SEWING CHALLENGED!

    You are just a very multi talented chick, aren't you? Jealous! SO JEALOUS!

  4. I love the monsters! Cute! Also, I like the changes you made to your blog for Halloween. I adored what you had going before but this is FUN. LOVE the music too!

  5. Wow, CUTE Mobile !!! :) Bethany looks adorable and SO happy :) Happy 50th Birthday !! What a great gift, a new Grand-baby !! Love your crown :) So glad everyone could be there to celebrate, it looked like a huge shower. Hugs :) :) :)

  6. Hi Viv,your little monsters gave me a chuckle!so bright and cheery and the chenille panda bear you made is just the soft pastel colors....great job!~~~Sharie

  7. OH VIV all so cute -- can't wait to see your grandbaby -- I miss mine every second I am not with him -- and he lives 10 minutes away --obsessed --in a good way --so precious -- you will be such a good and fun grandmother --KAthy - ga ♥

  8. Who'd have THOUGHT monsters could be ADORABLE! You are just something else, Viv! And I love the bear. He'll be so soft & cuddly for your grandbaby!

  9. Well Happy Birthday Girlfriend! You are so cute talking about your Grandson. How much longer til your holding your lil man in your arms? Your monsters are so sweet. Good Job Grandma! Hugs, Terri

  10. Your monsters are adorable!!!
    And the little bear is a sweetie too! This little guy is going to think his Grammie is amazing!

  11. Viv,
    The bear is an heirloom and oh so adorable. Those monsters are wonderful. They are so alive and seem to have little personalities. I am just dazzled with them! You did a great job!

  12. EEEK!!! The monsters are super cute Vivian! I can't help but smile and giggle!
    The bear is just darling!!! Your grandbaby is going to be one lucky little girl. ;) XO,Jenn

  13. Lots going over here while I was on my hiatus. You did a GREAT job with your daughter's baby shower. Tons of fun, I can tell. : )
    Happy belated B-day will LOOOOVE being a grandma!!! All of a sudden you are someone's Super Hero! : )
    Take care,
    Mary Lou

  14. What baby wouldn't be totally entertained with the fun little monsters on this mobile. So very cute and original! The chenille bear is so sweet and are going to be an awesome Grandmother!

  15. Hi friends

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    stay safe

  16. Such sweet creations! Your grand baby is already so lucky to have you as a Grand Mother!

    Sandy xox

  17. Oh my gosh, Viv...the little monsters are just the cutest ever...and the die for! Really!!! You are so creative :)

  18. Hi Vivian!!! Oh thank you for keeping in touch! I know I've been a slacker for not visiting!
    Oh and look at everything you've been doing its just those monsters. I bet this halloween is going to be another special time here!

  19. Hey Viv,

    I started felting about 20 years ago, and stopped it at the same time. I punctured my fingers so many time I lost the feeling in two of them. Your creations are just so adorable. Thanks for sharing.


  20. This is such a great time of year. A monster brought me to your blog.
