Sunday, June 12, 2011

puttering and a blogaversary giveaway!

check out the streamers!!

This weekend went by sooo fast! After last week and all the hustle getting ready for and then having Jens bridal shower, today was perfect really.. except a truly perfect day involves the beach. i guess there are different kinds of Perfect days! Today I was home alone must of the day and night and I puttered. I didnt have to cook because I had lots of left overs for the shower.

did I even tell you what we served yesterday? oh let me get side tracked for just a minute and tell you! we had, pasta, sauce and meatballs (made by the very italian trupo girls!) italian bread, chicken salad, the kind with grapes and almonds in it, served on fresh croissants. We had seafood salad in little puff pastries, a huge tossed salad with lots of special yummies in it, and a fresh fruit salad with cantaloupe, honey dew, watermelon, strawberries and pineapple and red grapes. And before we served all of that, we had a warm taco dip, chicken wing dip, cheese, pepperoni and crackers and choc covered cream puffs for people to munch on when they first got there. Then of course to top it all off, we had a half choc, half white cake with raspberry filling and butter creme frosting. uh.. WAY too much food. we all took home left overs and I'm sure none of us had to cook today.. and maybe not tomorrow either!

maybe someone wants a ride!

OK.. so anyways.. today was perfect.. I just puttered! I finished my patriotic ornies and wrapped them all pretty. I got out all my summery decorations and redecorated .. (uhg! I have the HICCUPS!!) This always takes me most of the day. I may tweak things a little the next couple days, but I love doing that. I also ended up making a patriotic banner today too. I'll try to remember to take a picture of it in the morning. And, I cleaned up my craft room. Thats about it. I never did get to my bedroom, other then just to make the bed and get dressed. It is a MESS!

OH! and I went for a little bike ride.. did you see my bike pictures above? Did you notice the streamers? Im like a 10 year old! I love them! My dear friend, Barbara Burkard (123lavenderlollipoplane) made them for me! I knew she was up to something, but i had no ideawhat it was! They came in the mail yesterday and I have to tell you I am totally tickled by them. Barb is one of the first people I met on line, she was my very first swap partner! Thank you sooo much Barb! I just have to meet you in person someday!

30 day challenge day 11 (something blue)

Isnt figgy gorgeous? I had to take a picture of something blue for a 30 day photograph challenge Im in.. I thought his eyes would be the perfect something blue! arent they? ha! and do you think he might like to go on a bike ride with me? If I wasnt afraid of losing him, id try! lol!

OK.. One more thing before I sign off for the night.. June 16th is my 4 year blogaversary! so I Have a little package all ready wrapped up and ready to mail out to someone! I'm doing a little blogaversary give away. I'll include everyone who comments between now and wednesday and I will draw a winner on wednesday when I get home from work!

I think thats all for tonight. I really need to get rid of these hiccups!! sweet dreams all! and have a great start to your week!




    Did I scare the hiccups peanut butter works for me..I didn't believe it then I tried it..and I keep using it.I get them all the time.So embarassing!

    I love the bike..I want one so bad..I think I would dress mine up also!
    The food you talked about oh made me sooo hungry.I want to come to your

    Have a sweet week..Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary! I'm convinced after seeing your bike streamers, that I need some too. How fun are they!!! I'm impressed that you had the energy to do ANYTHING after that bridal shower. I hope you sleep well tonight.

  3. I love your photographs! They're so crisp and bright and cheerful. And such happy colors! LOVE LOVE LOVE your pink bicycle - and those specially handmade streamers! Furthermore, your cat is a beauty queen (king?). Congratulations on your upcoming blogoversary!!

  4. Happy Anniversary!!!

    Ugh, it's 12:23 am and I can't sleep!!

  5. oh happy blogaversary to youuuuu!

  6. oh happy blogaversary to youuuuu!

  7. I love your bike! I have been bike shopping for a month or so now and have finally resigned myself to the fact that I will have to have a child's bike as I am so short! Happy blogiversary to you!

  8. I soooo want a bike like yours! You're not the only one who wants a girly girly bike to ride :) Those streamers really finish it up. And, well you know I love your kitties, Figgy is gorgeous.
    Happy blogiversary and have a great week! You're awesome Viv!

  9. Happy Bloggaversary! Please include my name in your give-away!
    :o) Sue

  10. Okay, I LOVE the streamers! You can be 10 all you want, my dear! They are fabulous! And yes, Figgy is quite gorgeous! And I'm not even a cat person! Happy Blogiversary!

  11. HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, lil' Viv! And a big YUM to the food served at the shower! HOLY COW, girl! Just the things you served BEFORE the meal would have made this old girl happy! Isn't Barb a sweetheart? The streamers are wonderful and very cheerful! I wish you COULD take kitties for a bike ride! Wouldn't THAT get some looks? LOL! As for hiccups, I have heard a LOT of remedies but the only thing that's ever worked for me is to just wait the pesky things out. LOVE YOU! P.S. I think I must have used up an entire WEEK'S worth of exclamation marks in this one comment alone! See what I mean? I used another one.

  12. Happy Blogiversary Viv! Doesn't that time go fast!!
    I love your bike...I haven't ridden for years but I've wanted to. Always worried about "seat comfort". Do you have a comfortable seat on yours?
    The shower food sounded ymmy and it looks like everyone had a great time.
    Torry is getting cuter by the month..he has a beautiful smile and skinny little legs like our Charlie. He'll be walking and running before you know it (or actually..before you want him to-LOL)
    Hope you have a great week!

  13. love your bike streamers!! I called in "Sick" today! I needed a mental health's so nice out today! enjoy the week Viv. I'm thinking Friday at 2 I can get to the convention...

  14. Oh viv, your life is always so full, I 'm so jealous. But LOVE reading all your adventures, congrats on 4 years and many many more,

  15. Been wanting a bike for ever so've inspired me! And of course, the basket to go along with it! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!
    Pam N.

  16. Love those streamers. Happy Bloggy Anniversary. Count me in on the giveaway. ((((HUGS))))

  17. OMG Kitty Pics!!! YAY!! I love seeing your fur babies!

    Guess what? You just won my Skelly belt buckle in my Giveaway! Email me your info so I can get this out in the mail to you!


  18. p.s. Happy Blogaversary!! *throwing confetti*


  19. I packed up my ornies today and they are on their way to you.
    The food for the shower sounds delicious! Hurray for yummy leftovers and having the house to yourself.

  20. Happy Blog Anniversary - I enjoy your blog so much - I am a lurker but wanted you to know I am here.

  21. But where is Torey-Pie? I need a little dose of him!
    Happy Blog Anniversary, Viv, and special thanks for being so supportive of me. You are a dear person.

  22. Viv, thank you for praying for Joni and me. You're such a sweetie! I know that prayers make such a different and to know you're praying is so much comfort.

    You know I love you...Tracy :)

    P.S. Figgy's just so stinkin' cute.

  23. Wow Viv, I just been looking over some of what I'm missed by not coming around. (Do you hear that? It's the sound of me slapping my palm with a ruler). You've been so busy! I love how cute the seed packs and the candy canes look! Too-too cute!! The shower looks like it turned out wonderful. And Torry just keeps getting more precious. And that pink bike is so YOU!

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  24. So glad to see the Shower went well. Looks like it was a total success.
    Also, you had me smiling ear to ear with those pics of your little Torry with the BIG stuffed puppy dog. Way...too...cute!! : )
    Mary Lou

  25. Try a spoonful of sugar the next time you get the hiccups.

    I was just going thru the tags from the Christmas swap and discovered one from you. I had forgotten to write down all the blogs from everyone.I have been reading your blog for a while now and love all your creativity. Not to mention your adorable meezers.
    Put my name in the hat for your give away. Conrats on 4 years of blogging.

  26. Love the kitties, love your blog, but mostly, love your joie de vivre! Thanks!

  27. What a lovely day. No cooking and puttering the hours away. Hope you have a wonderful blogaversary too.

  28. I don't know how, but I missed this post! Telling us about all that food has made me hungry! I think your kitty is the cutest, except for my kitty, Loyal, that is!
    Have a great week,

  29. Love the bike streamers Barbara made for you. WOOHOO!! I can just see you riding down the street on your bike. Love it.:-)

    Yummy! all that food sounds Yummy!!
    You did a fantastic job on all the food.

    Figgy's Blue eyes are gorgeous.

    CONGRATS! on your blogaversary.
    I'm leaving in the moring for Hawley, PA. Our granddaughter graduates on Friday. Get to see some of our kids and grands.WOOHOO! I'm excited.
    Hugs, Fran

  30. Please enter me in the Blogversary giveaway !!! I love that Bike!!! Figgy is so beautiful, just love those blue eyes !!! You have been so busy !!! Take Care !

  31. Love, love, LOVE your bicycle streamers...too cute!
    Figgy is a handsome guy. My grandparents always had siamese kitties when I was growing up. They're all grandpa swears they are part monkey! :)

  32. Okay, I'm here.............I'm leaving a comment.


    Now please let me win!

    Now we need an image of you on your bicycle and those streamers flyin' in the wind!

    Big Hugs,

  33. Happy Blogaversary! The picture of your sweet cat. Oh my. Really lovely. You should send that photo into a pet magazine. It is really incredible.

  34. Hi Viv,
    Happy Blogaversary! Four years now your a pro. Love the bike. A girls favorite color! I would love a chance to win a prize from you! Thank you.

