Friday, June 24, 2011

still playing with dogs!

firecracker 2

TGIF!!!! what a week. 20 hours overtime on call (or very close to it, I havent added it all up yet!). Mostly do to naughty boys in foster care! Its been a crazy week.. there was the sick kitty.. and yesterday I was at training all day in buffalo... I am sooo glad its friday. I'm not doing anything this weekend that I dont feel like doing.

firecracker 1

My biggest plan is to hit the beach on sunday.. for the whole day! I cant wait. gotta pray for perfect beach weather. I better go buy myself a new pair of sunglasses since I broke my last pair.

firecracker 4

a little kitten update. shes still alive and shes at the Vets.. however, we will have to decide what to do with her today. She is mostly if not totally blind. She also may have some sort of nuerological disorder (yeah, ok.. I cant spell that). In that case we will put her down. the blindness I think someone could deal with.. but not the other. The vet said that she doesnt really respond to affection. it really just breaks my heart.

I hate people.

firecracker 5

not any of you though.. just some people..

playing with the dogs

so anyways.. I made this other doggie on the firecracker last night. isnt it freaken cute!? I have to take it to work with me today so I can look at it. I just like to look at cute things sometimes. Well really all the time.. its a sickness.. I think I'm going to send the first one I made to my friend that I do the swaps with, Kelly. though I think she would like the one on the firecracker better.. so Maybe I'll make another one tonight...want to get stuff in the mail tomorrow.


speaking of the mail.. Suzeeez.. I have not mailed your package yet.. but will in the morning. You'll have it in time for the 4th! (I hope anyways.)

OK.. I have to trudge off to work... UHG!!! so dont want tooooooo!!!!!

huggles girls.. have a great friday and a wonderful weekend!!



  1. Those doggies are sooooooo cute - and I'm not even a dog person! Cats r Me! So sorry to hear about the poor little kitten :( Bless you for caring.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. LOVE
    your doggies. What a fun song that you used to sing :)
    So sorry about the little least you did a kind and loving thing to bring it to the vet..
    Enjoy the BEACH!! ( Jealous!)

  3. You are QUEEN OF CUTE DOGGIES for SURE!!!!!! Love your new lil' firecracker guy! I don't blame you for wanting to look at cute things! Heck, I would LOVE to just walk around your house & see all your pretties! IT WOULD MAKE ME SMILE!!!! I HOPE you get your beach weekend, lil' Viv! And I don't do a lot of hating where people are concerned, but people who hurt children and animals are on my SERIOUS sh** list!

  4. Love the little firecracker dog! I feel so bad about the kitty. It's hard to believe that some people can be so cruel or self centered.

    Have a good weekend. I wish I could join you at the beach, I love the water!

  5. Have a great weekend -- The doggy on the firecracker is adorable -- the sparkle in his expression --is just like most little boys -- who love motors , speed ,sports and anything that explodes -- lol--Oh how I love my 5 boys now ( 2 grown and 3 grandsons) HOpe the weather is beach weather for you - HUGZ KAthy - ga ♥

  6. You deal with so much ugliness that it isn't surprising that you love the cute and happy.

    Love the firecracker!


  7. Hi Sorry about your lil kitty that is sad! :(
    However, your doggie on the firecracker is SO CUTE!! You are so talented. I haven't tried needlecrafting yet but you inspire me to try someday. Your friend is so blessed to have a giving person like you in her life! Have a great weekend!

  8. Who that doggie on the bloggie? So darn cute, cute, cute!

    My goodness, that's so many extra hours to work. I'm gonna pray too that you get sun tomorrow and the day is restful for you.

  9. I love your little whimsical Dogs, they're adorable! :o) Sue

  10. Love the doggies for 4th of July.
    Hugs Fran
