Sunday, October 16, 2011

Today in my craft room

new kitten

Woohoo.. what a day! Its been just that kind of perfectly laid back day.. (well except for the on call part.. umm let me just say this about that, because I really cant say much about it.. but I can tell you.. that you would just not believe how some people live!.. ok.. nuff said about that!)


So, I started this little kitty pinkeep last night and finished him up this morning. It the first time I've done a double pinkeep. I like how he turned out. what do you think? the pictures dont do him justice.. he looks too fibery in this pic.

whose hanging out in my craft room

so when I was taking his picture, I snapped a few others of the goings on in my little play room!

hanging out in my craft room

There is sooo much stuff packed into this tiny room.. sometimes i think its almost shameful! my craft table with the shelves all around it and on it and above it look like an alter of some sort! I wonder what I will do with all this stuff someday! or what my family will have to do with it all someday!? Well I guess it could be worse.. at least I'm not a hoarder! lol!

hanging out in my craft room

I made a big pot of chicken and bisquits and some mashed potatos tonight. Beth, Torry and torry pie came for dinner as did little Tony and Robert and Tiffany. It was so good! I made an apple pie too. OH I should have taken a picture of it! darn! theres one little piece left.. I should hide it for my breakfast. hehee.

hanging out in my craft room

GEesh! doesnt the weekend go by so fast? This week will go by quickly and then I'll be on my way to OHIO! to visit my friend Kelly! I'm looking forward to it. I still have to finish up a few projects to go with me though!

hanging out in my craft room

I probably wont post again, until right before I go on friday.. oh heck.. I'll probably fit one in before then.. My original thought though, is not to post again until thursday night. And to spend the week getting caught up with all of you! Ive been peeking in, but not leaving many comments. So be watching for me this week.. I'll be visiting!

they are the sweetest company!

Arent figgy and frannie freaken awesome? they are never far from where I am. And they love to play in my craft room.. or as in this case.. they like to lounge in here too! they are sooo inseperable!

heres a pic of my finished halloween teaset! I love how it turned out! I plan to use it in a special post I'll be doing for vanessas halloween party that I told you about before.

♫♪tea for two♫♫

Thats all for tonight folks.. (sorry such a boring post.. I'm a little brain drained tonight! I'm pooped out and I need my jammies, my blankie and my kitties!

see yas tomorrow!!



  1. Hey Viv,
    Your kitty pinkeep is "scary" cute LOL!
    How do you make them?? Your time with Kelly sounds AWESOME!!! I just think of all the fun you will be having!!
    Your tea set turned out great! pie!
    Deb :)

  2. Vivian, the sweater on this kitty just cracks me up! You are so imaginative with the details of your crafts, I love that about you. I was so excited to hear you may tackle Pilgrims! I have had them doodled for a time now but thought perhaps they were too far out on the kitshy limb. If you jump, I will too! E

  3. Your tea set is simply amazing. I shared this post with my mom who loves to paint. Your kitty pin cushion is pretty darn lovely too. I hope you slept well and are geared up for your fun week ahead.

    Halloween hugs to you and your sweet kitties.

  4. Love your pinkeep! You are so creative. I got an idea from your pic of the party cups with animals inside. Going to do something like that for my new grandson. Thanks! :)

  5. YOU???? BORING???? Uhhhh ... those two words would NEVER go together, Viv! You are FUN! THAT'S what you are! Love your pinkeep, your decorations everywhere, your kitties, your upcoming fun trip to Ohio, and - most of all - Y-O-U!!!!

  6. I love, love, love all your Halloween crafts! I would like to just crawl up in the middle of them and take it all in!



  7. viv,
    I love, love, love the peek into your craftroom. I could spend hours in there shopping!! I am so in awe of the cuteness you create!Thank you so much for sharing the pics with us!! I finally having pics of my Halloween decor up on my blog! Will you please stop by and let me know what you think? I am so inspired by the blogs I visit, I have a really long I want list!!
    Thanks for your inspiration!

    Have a wonderful week!

  8. Hey Viv! It looks like you have been up to some super cute spooky crafting! Your tea set is so cute! Congratulations on the new grand-babies coming soon. You are going to be one busy(busier:)) Grandma! I hope you are enjoying your fall and having a fun filled Halloween season. Thanks so much for visiting. I hope to post some pics of my new little niece soon.

  9. Hey Viv,
    Figgy and Franny are sooooo darn cute. Your playroom looks like THE place to be. All your stuff looks so wonderful!!!!!!

  10. I love your craft room--so colorful and cheerful. Franny and Figgy are the perfect accessories.

    Girl, leave that last piece of pie alone! :)


  11. Hi, I came to visit by way of Rednesday - and on to Junque Magnet which then led to your adorable site. LOVED your teddies, LOVED your fun and happy holiday projects - I'm always looking for fun and easy crafts for grand kids and seniors like me and some of these did look easier than others - and ALL looked quite adorable. And I loved your intro. Very fun :) Thanks for a lovely visit.
