Friday, December 16, 2011

what goes on at your house at 5:00 am?

This is what was happening here!
working on reindeer heads....
Painting pipe cleaners brown!
and playing games in the bathroom!!
see yas later!


  1. A little Santa's workshop - the little reindeers are adorable!!

  2. Too cute reindeer heads, can't wait to see these finished. Kitties having fun too! We have canine adventure club at 5:00 am and some coffee drinking and wood stove starting, but boy you creating, bravo! xox Corrine

  3. Well...let's see....I woke up at 4:30 and laid awake for at least an hour while you were actively working on reindeer heads. I did however finally give up and read!

  4. I'm glad the kitties were playing in the bathroom & didn't discover the tiny reindeer heads OR the - gasp - antlers! LOL! Wouldn't they have had a fun time batting those around? And, you are as bad as ME. I was TRYING to glitter something around 3 this morning (couldn't sleep as usual) and it looked like it snowed gold flakes in here. LOVE YOU!!!

  5. So, we aren't the only ones that have kitties that are obsessed with bathroom sinks. Oh my goodness you are a productive lady at 5am. I'm a night owl (that dollhouse reveal that I had to have ready for my blog today kept me up super duper late). I was still enjoying 50 more minutes of sleep at 5am.

    Happy Friday!!

  6. VIV!!!!
    You have HIGH energy!!!I think I could use some!
    Those little reindeer heads are stinkin sweet!
    deb :)

  7. Looks like you're in for a busy day, Viv! Love your reindeer--they're adorable (of course!)

    Wishing you a beautiful, festive day, my friend (and a nap!)


  8. Wow, you are amazing. I was still sleeping. Now, couldn't you find the brown pipe cleaners at the store, or did you need a certain shade of brown? And also, how in the world did you paint them? You have peaked my curiousity!! You are so much fun!!!!

  9. Okay...Mine will only drink water when it comes out of a sink faucet and he is particular as to which faucet! Your kitties are gorgeous. Love the reindeer...You are such a good elf...Renee

  10. ah, the kitties are too cute up and about and playing at 5am. I am embrassed to say that at 5am I am sleeping! Thanks to the pain and pain meds, I am up late in the night or earlier in the morning before I finally get comfortable enough to sleep and then I sleep until the pain wakes me up again. I am so enjoying see what all of blogland is working on for Christmas by visiting your blogs! Have a wonderful day and those reindeer are soo cute.

  11. How cute, I remember those bathroom games. Your reindeer heads are too cute. Take care and enjoy the holiday preparations!

  12. There's always some degree of dismemberment at your house!


  13. I really enjoy all your art and adventures. The reindeer heads are fabulous. I bet the kitties could find some intestesting things to do with them. I bet they put some down the bathtub drain.

  14. I'm just rolling over at 5am but I wish I could be as productive as you!
    Have a wonderful weekend Viv! xo

  15. I am an elf just like you at 5am...but I am an elf all year long. I get up about 4am and when it gets dark, this little elf can fall asleep anywhere! I've always been like that, an early bird, chasing those worms! Wink!

    I get up, must have coffee, must love and play with my dogs, light a candle and away we go. I read, I visit you, and I write letters...I save bills for my husband who stays up half the night!

    Merry Christmas Viv! I have been absent..ha, don't have the energy to even apologize for it. Just working full time at the thrift store. Just like magic, they turned me into the manager and the marketing gal. I've been out on the streets drumming up business and hoping and praying for donated goods to come in. I also do all the displays on the's a job...and I LOVE it!

    Off to sent your way, I sent a magical little elf your way. He choose to ride on Amtrak!
    Wink and much happiness!

  16. we had cats that used to like to drink out of the sink as well!!!
    once again, your post is funny and cute...good luck with the new arrival...

  17. i was just stopping by for a lil visit..and whoa..all the goings on...we ALL need to live on a lil island someplace....with lil cottages, sweet tiny area....borrowing buttons and sugar and...sweet lavender tea to sip on the beach under a big umbrella...
    ..................WAKE UP!!! (ah it was a day dream...dang)
