Sunday, February 19, 2012

this just tickles my funny bone!

isnt this cute? while bopping around in the internet this morning.. I discovered that one of my favorite artists has a blog.. and then I discovered that she also had a couple cute things on youtube! This just made me day!
happy Sunday!


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhh how darling!!!!

    Happy Sunday Beautiful!


  2. That's just the CUTEST! But it's NOT FAIR, Viv! I watched it & set MY lil' critters out, then waited hopefully for THEM to do entertaining things. I WAS ROBBED!!!! They just stood there doing nothing. (Well, one of them fell over, but that wasn't really entertaining. Sigh.) That's okay! I'll just watch THIS video again! LOVE YOU!

  3. How cute. My hubby does stop motion animation and I know what goes into even the briefest of videos. If you scroll down on the right side of my page to our Videos and click on the one with the trolls you will see what he did several years ago. By the way, we ended up with the perfect snowstorm, here in VA, looked beautiful falling and isn't sticking to roads. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  4. That is THE CUTEST!!! Love that Vivian! So adorable and sweet and the music is perfect for those little dancing cutie pies :) Thanks for sharing xx

  5. Eeekkk...
    Why oh why must you make my heart sputter!
    That is darling, I'm there living out loud with you!
    Over the top cute!
    Come and read my Dolly Mama story today when you can steal a wink.
    I think you'll love it!
    Cheers to FUNDAYS and MAGICAL moments ahead!

  6. Hello Vivian...What a pleasure to meet you. Wow...was I surprised when I saw your blog today. Thank you for your generosity. The short film was made by my good friend Jennifer Prediger...She didn't have her big camera with her that day. the two others are my slideshows...I am learning to play around with my new computer. I can't thank you enough. I will be back to visit often.
    Have silly new friend fun, Jody

  7. Hey girlfriend,

    I have one of her creations! I posted about it a while back in December (I think). She made me an elephant, and I just adore him. His name is Jimbo, and he's sooooo tiny! I'll send you a link to my post.


  8. That was sooooo CUTE! and loved the music.
