Friday, March 2, 2012

bonnie bunny 3
woohoo!!! its friday! I thought it was never going to get here! Its been a long week. in fact the last couple weeks have been long. work has been busy and overwhelming as Ive gotten 4 new boys.. and remember, these are not nice boys. cant say much more then that as i dont talk about work on here.. but OMG!!
I m soo glad its the weekend. I have lots to do. Valentines is getting packed away and easter is coming out. these two pics are from last year or maybe even the year before. but the second one is how my kitchen will look later tonight. I cant wait to get all my easter babies out. thats about it, my only real plans for the weekend. that and cleaning and puttering.. oh.. and the dreaded grocery shopping. though really I think I could probably put that off for another week. well see!
what ever possessed me to get all of this stuff out!
thank you all for your prayers and good wishes for my grandbaby Jacob. please continue to keep him and his mommy and daddy in your prayers.
Ok.. gonna do a little bloggy hopping now..
Happy Friday!


  1. Yippee for Friday! I can't wait to get out my Easter decor too. My Easter chicks are ready to party! I've been busy working on special Easter projects each night after the girls are in bed. I hope your weekend is a relaxing and enjoyable one!! Hugs!

  2. YAY for Friday!

    Will continue to keep Jacob all your family in my prayers my dear.

    Now...seeing all that I just want to come play in your kitchen!


  3. I just realized Easter is early this year. I guess it is time to get out all the bunnies and eggs. Have a great weekend!

  4. TGIF!!! I can't wait to get out my Easter stuff and am hoping to get to it this weekend! I LOVE Easter!



  5. Spring has sprung all over your table!!!

    I used to do foster care years ago. I took in level 13 girls. *one step away from juvenile hall* At least you don't have to take your work (boys) home with you lol

  6. Keeping that little sweetheart in my prayers, Viv...things often turn out better than these tests show, but it's good to be prepared for a challenge, isn't it?

    Love the look of Easter at your house--what fun!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend!


  7. Thank goodness we made it to Friday...oh I am itching to stitch some more. I am loving that sweet bunny with his pink nose. Just too much sweet goodness. Have a relaxing weekend...smiles...Renee

  8. Praying for little Jacob (and his mommy and daddy)!
    Mary Lou

  9. Happy Friday. You give such nice information about Friday. I like to visit your blog. Its feel me happy.

  10. I'm so happy the choice was made for a little life to be saved. God is a big God and one thing I know for sure, that sweet little one is no mistake, even now, in the womb, he is in God's hands. I believe that, I'm praying for a good outcome!

    Again, I say, again you have brought a smile and sunlight to a dark rainy morning in my corner of the world.

    Bless you dear Viv for living out loud and letting us all see who you really are. I love that about you.
