Friday, April 27, 2012

friday morning tea with me!

tea time
TGIF!!  You know how I live for my weekends.... my whole life needs to be just weekends!  Im always waiting for friday to come.  It starts out at about 5:00 am every monday morning and lasts all week long.. til it finally gets here.  Then though relieved that its here, I always feel a little guilty about wishing the week away!  
ITs sort of like wishing I could retire.  I'm wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to young to retire.. and I have to work another 11 to 14 years before I can.  And even though I wish I could retire now, I m glad I'm not old enough to retire.  So the moral of the story is... "quit wishing your life away stupid!! "  (I'm talking to me not you.. I wouldnt call any of you stupid!)
anyways..  Still playing with that picmonkey.. you got to try it.. its a riot!   (heehee.. I made a rhyme!)  even just with a picture of my breakfast, I had fun this morning.  
so plans for the weekend....
tonight:  meet with Tiffany and her mother to talk about wedding plans and whose doing what.   
Tomorrow..  blasting some big band swing music while I  put easter away and get my house back to normal.  what ever normal is..  I really dont remember.
Tomorrow night:  A retirement party... (freaken lucky duck!) for a girl at work. 
Sunday:  Family day.. everyone is coming over for little Tony snicklefritz's birthday dinner party.. Steaks on the grill.  
so there you have it.. my weekend!  oh.. and I have to go shopping sometime tomorrow too.. I have to get little Tony snicklefritz something for his 25th birthday.  hmmmmm.... I have NO ideas!
happy Friday girlie pies!


  1. Enjoy your weekend!! Please know you'll be in good company working the next 10-14 years!! :)


  2. Sounds like a busy weekend. Enjoy every second of it. My days have blurring together while I've been working from home on leave. Picmonkey is definitely fun. Neat breakfast pic.

    Happy Friday!

  3. I live for the weekends too! Hope you have a great one. I-tunes gift certificates are always a good choice for the 20-something crowd!



  4. I work every other weekend now, so I just look forward to days off, whenever they are! Have a great weekend!

  5. Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful weekend!!

  6. I have my "duty day" tomorrow at one of the sometimes I "work" on the weekend!
    Have a great one! Loved your pink hair!

  7. Miss Viv I really don't think you can squeeze anything else into your days...Unless you want to get up one hour earlier? Nah I didn't think so....smiles...Renee

  8. Sounds like a busy weekend!! Hope it is lovely and you do get some good rest!! xo Heather

  9. Sounds like a great weekend lined up! I am supposed to meet Jenny for sushi, bring Scarlet to a b-day party, clean my house, and go out for drinks with my brother tomorrow night! But tonight I am going to be LAZY!!! Enjoy your weekend Viv! xo

  10. Hey Viv! I hope you enjoy every minute of your weekend.
    You look adorable with pink hair ;)

  11. i'll make the breakfast and you pour the : ) ENJOY!!! and tons of hugs! oh -- i figure i will be working for the next 50 years or so...aka...till i am in a new home (6 feet under : ) LOL!!!! hugs! you are in such good company! : )
