Wednesday, May 30, 2012


fairy garden at dusk 
In the fairy garden that is! home sick from work yesterday, You should be proud of me, I took not one, but two naps!! this is something I NEVER EVER do.. I took an hour or so snooze on the couch in the morning and another 45 minute snooszy on the porch swing in the afternoon!  I didnt feel good enough to do much of anything else. until last night, I felt a little stir crazy so when it got cooler outside I painted the tiny fairy garden table and chairs white (couldnt hardly see them when they were black!) and I hung a tire swing in the fairy's garden! Tony had a box of model parts in the barn and this little tire was just perfect!
This morning, though I do feel a tiny bit better, I still feel very sluggish and achey.. still coughing and I have a little headache. not sure if I'm going to work or not. its only a little after 6:00 am.. I'll decide by 8:00. I just hate to miss time now, because when the baby comes I'm sure Im going to miss a lot of time. 
the baby could come anytime now girls.. I need to get over this before he comes!
PLease keep praying.


  1. I'm glad you stayed home and got a bit of rest. Sounds like you could use some more today. Your fairy garden is just darling. I really want to do something similar for the girls this summer.

  2. I hope you feel better soon.
    I love the fairy garden you created, such unique touches. In case you didn't known, there is an annual competition where you can link up your fairy garden and check out others - I have entered the past couple of years
    Nice opportunity to share what you have done and look at other ideas.
    Take care Viv.

  3. So glad you got some rest! Maybe you can work a half day...your fairy garden is just terrific, I agree the furniture painted white is much easier to see than the black.

  4. YAY for resting! You NEED to, lil' Vivvy! And your fairy garden is GLORIOUS! That white paint & tire swing were the perfect additions! Now: REST MORE!!! Dr. Kai's orders! I LOVE YOU!

  5. Viv this fairy garden is darling and has me itching to do my own. I am so glad you feel a little better. Keep us posted and drink some tea..smiles...Renee

  6. Feel better Sweetie!


  7. I have an old red wagon on the front porch that might do for a cute...and portable...fairy garden. I wouldn't curse mine with actual "living" plants as I have a black thumb these days. =D I sure do love yours!

  8. Love your fairy garden. Oh tht tire swing is the best.
    Please take time to get well. I am praying for Jacob......can't wait to hear the good news.

  9. I'm just loving your fairy're REALLY inching me towards creating one... And i love the idea of putting a little banner in there!
    Keep feeling better and better Viv!

  10. You won't believe this Viv...but until I saw your fairy garden...I had never seen one before!!!! And I think it is so sweet...I especially love the little tire cute is that??
    Glad you are feeling better...
    Drink tea...great advice..

    Linda :o)

  11. Eeek I love your fairy garden and especially the mini banner you made for it. Sorry that your cold got in the way of your long-weekend!!

  12. Love the fairy garden! The little tire swing is so cute!
    Hope you're feeling better and better each day! Take it as easy as you can, so you'll feel good when sweet Baby Jacob arrives. Praying for him.

  13. Love the little tire swing. Feel better!


  14. My prayers are still with Baby Jacob and family.
    Love your Fairy Garden. :-)

  15. Vivian!
    I am so very sorry you have been sick. I'm really glad you got some rest. It helps so much . I LOVE your new little drummer creation and I LOVE your fairy garden.
    And, I love you, sweet friend. Take lots of care of your sweet self.
    All my love,

  16. Hi Viv!!
    LOVE your little pup! It almost looks like my Sweet Pea! Too Cute!
    Praying for that little one! Hope you are feeling better too!
    My fairy garden isn't doing well...bought a little table and chairs for it.
    Happy Weekend!

  17. LOVE this magical place!!! so fabulous my friend : ) sending you hugs and prayers!
