Monday, January 7, 2013


valentine mess
Inspite of not feeling well, I did manage to get christmas put away!  such a huge job.  My son came over last night and carried 12 bins upstairs for me.  there are still a few more to go, I still have to do my bedroom, craft room, the porch and outside, which I will get to sometime this week.
valentine ornies
It seems like a breeze to pull my one bin of valentines out in comparison to all that christmas stuff!  I dont have everything put out yet, just puttered a little with it last night.  I do need another little tree though.  was just at the christmas tree shop the other day and they had small white ones clarenced for a couple dollars... why didnt I think of buying one?  Oh well.   what Id really like is a pink feather tree!
so still not feeling well and I would like nothing more then to stay home today, but Im getting a new boy tomorrow and I just feel like I need to go to work for at least a few hours to take care of a few things.
I probably wont stay all day.. but we'll see!
OK.. I'm out for now!
have a great day girlie pies!


  1. Don't stay long at work. Take care of yourself. We're all dragging this morning. Emma's 6:35 school bus seemed awfully early.

  2. I have a very small box of Valentine decorations to put out....looking at your pictures inspires me to creat a little more to put out. Hoping you feel better, take it easy today!


  3. You are SO good about holiday decorating! I decorate for Thanksgiving (Autumn, actually which includes a few generic things for Halloween AND Thanksgiving) and much more for Christmas. NOTHING else. Lazy Kai! I just get online & look at all the pretties everyone else puts out for all the other holidays! LOL! LOVE YOU and hope you feel better FAST!

  4. I hope you feel is really hard to go to work when you are not feeling good:( Putting away Christmas decorations is getting harder every year for me...I have to store everything including the tree up in the attic. You are lucky to have your son help you put things away. I don't have many Valentines decorations yet...but I love Valentines Day so my small collection of V-decor has to grow!...

  5. I so hope you're feeling better soon pretty lady.

    I just don't know how you ladies do it with decorating for each holiday......whew, it's exhausting just reading about it on your blogs sometimes......LOL

    I've decided to decorate my blog for each muss, no fuss and only a bit of data to store on the storage bins needed.

    Have a lovely week,

  6. Oh yay! *LOVE* Valentine's as much as Christmas.
    Hope you're feeling better soon, Viv!

  7. I love your v-day stuff. So cute!

  8. I don't have hardly any Valentine's stuff - how did that happen? I love all things Valentine's. Well, I guess that's what Joann's is for! LOL1

  9. Vivian, I know now to look at your posts early in the morning! I'm swooning seeing your ornaments. I hope it's okay if I make a few I see for my own tree. Letting you know, Paint'n Patti is back to blogging, swoonville as well. She is also having a one-to-one V swap. I am thinking about a six person ornament swap. I'll do the mailing if you have some ladies you would like invite. I'll wait to hear from you. E

  10. Hi Viv-

    A few bloggers I've visited this morning are feeling low and blue and sick! Boo hoo...I recommend lemon drop candies...yep, the ones with sugar all over, that does the trick! Wink!

    My hubby just put away 9 bins of Christmas, I was shocked and this year I only bought one extra item! It seems like my collection grew in the attic and it left me wondering why I have all this cute stuff that I have to manage and sort and decorate. It was just a passing thought however....

    Back to our very cute lives and let the hearts and the valentines and love surround us all.

    Happy New Year blog friend, much love and I hope this year is blooming in fun and happiness...

    Mary Poppins...remember...just a spoon full of sugar!!!

  11. You are one step ahead of me! I told my husband the other day maybe we could leave the tree up and then just put my valentine's on it? Hope fully it'll come down in the next two days ;) I haven't decorated for valentine's day in a long time, but you and E over at Creative Breathing have inspired me to do a bit this year. I usually make everything and give it away in swaps or to friends. Have a great day!

  12. I sure hope you feel better soon. You wore yourself out during the holidays.
    Love decorating for Valentines Day. Last year I had a "heart" exchange. Thinking of doing it again. It was alot of fun and helped to add to my decorations.
    Good luck with the new boy.

  13. ahh, I just love your collection of wonderful pink and red Valentine goodies! I hope you feel better soon. I am amazrd to read blogs from all over the US that are sick now or got sick Christmas Eve or Christmas day! It has hit our area of NC hard!! My poor little great nephew was so sick during Christmas he couldn't enjoy all the goodies Santa brought!
    Have some orange juice, put on your fav pair of warm pjs, toasty socks, a nice heated throw(Walmart has the GE brand heated throws for 19.96), and tap a much needed nap!
    Feel better soon!
    Lynn and the Wienee Ranch crew
    ps Sarge, Bella, and Cocoa love their new heated throw LOL they think it is theirs:O)

  14. Undecorating is sure not fun!

    I love how you jumped right into Valentines Day, though!

    Hope you're feeling better now!

    Starting out the New Year sick is a good thing. Then you just get it out of the way for the whole year!



    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  15. the valentines madness has begun! hope you feel better soon..xo

  16. Happy New Year Viv! Hope you feel better soon!! Have a wonderful week! xo Heather

  17. Viv,
    I am like you....I don't have much Valentines compared to Christmas....and I am going to do my darnedest to keep it that way! We have a new store here in Mesa called Garden Ridge....they had tons of trees in every color and size, all lit up. I went after Christmas ( about a week later) and got an orange one for 75% off. It was 7.00! Then a little red one that wasn't lit for 2.00....I wanted a small red one with lights,but they were all history....they had purple and bright pink....Easter???? No Sandy....stop! lol

  18. I love all your Valentine goodies. I hope you feel better.
    I needed a pink feather tree, but could only find white, spray paint to the rescue.
    When will you get to Florida again??? I would love to see you.

  19. I think any holiday pales next to my Christmas stuff in terms of bins. Valentines at my house is two. Coming out in a couple of weeks.
    feel better..take it easy

  20. I love all you Valentine's goodies! I hope you get back to normal soon and feel like crafting. I love looking at all your handmade items you are so smart and make the cutest things!

  21. I hope you feel better soon. I was so sick right after Christmas and just the weekend I started feeling better. Never fun to be ill during the holidays. :(

    Love your pretty Valentine collection.


  22. This reminds me that I need to go turn on my Christmas tree! I'm not giving up on Christmas, yet!

  23. Hope your feeling better Viv!

    Cant wait to see all your Valentine's goodies.

  24. I came home to get the Christmas ornament bins in the attic and watching Wheel of Fortune! lol I hope you feel better soon! love your V-Day cuties Grace xoox

  25. Inspiring to see the Valentine goodies! I plan on making some Valentines tomorrow with a friend! Craft day!
    I've been coughing today...praying that I don't get "it"...
    Take care!

  26. Oh girlie, you have to get to feeling better:) I am praying for you right now! Love all of your pretties! HUGS!

  27. "Cupid's Workshop"!
    Oh, what fun you are having, Viv! I all the bright cheery RED!
    I can't wait to see your creations...They are always so incredibly sweet!
    Stay warm, my darling friend,
    Carolynn xxx
    No baby yet...Mommy's about to pop!

  28. You are the BEST decorator out there! Your endeavors are full of HEART and LOVE and not just on Valentines Day : ) Sending tons of hugs your way and I am giving Pops a BIG HUG from you as we speak!

  29. Take care of yourself. Feel better soon. Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Time seems to be flying by too fast. LOL! Sometimes I wish we didn't travel so much. My hubby likes to go go go go.LOL I'd rather stay at home and work and play in my studios.
    Love looking at all your decorations. I didn't even take any pictures this year.:-( Next Year.
    You feel better soon.

  30. Take care of yourself. Feel better soon. Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Time seems to be flying by too fast. LOL! Sometimes I wish we didn't travel so much. My hubby likes to go go go go.LOL I'd rather stay at home and work and play in my studios.
    Love looking at all your decorations. I didn't even take any pictures this year.:-( Next Year.
    You feel better soon.

  31. Hope your feeling better by now.Glad to see someone else just putting Christmas away.I know a lot of people keep things up tell Jan.6th because of 3 Kings Day.I just say that's why I kept it up so long but I've never really celebrated on Jan.6th.I just don't have the energy I did as a young mother and wife.Looks like your valentine is going to be so pretty.Enjoy ! Denise
