Saturday, February 2, 2013

more valentines and heart shaped pies!

I've been playing in my craft room last night and today. with Figgy and Frannie.. my sidekicks!
 I think I might be pretty much done with my valentine crafting.  there are some things I cant show you yet that are going out in the mail this week.  some valentines and some gifties.   And, there still are a few things in my head.. but I dont know if I will get to them or not. 
I am feeling like reading a book.  I am not usually a reader.  But about once a year I read a book or two, and it is usually about this time.  february-ish. between valentines day and easter!   last year I read Heaven is Real, Water for Elephants and Steven Tylers autobiography. (well, I never finished that one..)
I went to the library the other day on my lunch and didnt take any books out!  I need to go back.   Really, I hate looking for books..  I never know what I'm looking for.  I do better at the magazine rack at barnes and noble!  lol.   but I am needing to read a good story.  Actually come to think of it, and pretty lame, but the last book I read was "we bought a zoo".  and I like it. 
Was hoping to go see Les Mis today.  but Im not sure we will, Its pretty snowy out.  I suppose I could google the weather for Rochester to see what its doing there.   I really would like to go.  Im feeling a little bored I think.  If we went to the movies, we could also go to barnes and noble!    well, we'll see.. Im thinking its not going to happen today.
I bought this little heart mini pie maker at target a couple weeks ago and have been dying to try it out..  So finally yesterday afternoon I gave it a try.  one side cuts the pie crust like a cookie cutter then you put the crusts on the inside of the thingy, put a little filling in it and squeeze the sides together and it crimps and seals them.
pie makeroutsideinside
they turned out cute and oh so good... but I have to admit that it would have been easier and faster to just have made a regular size pie!  
little hand pies
 Now I just want to eat them all.......   
blueberry and cherry goodness! 
blueberry and cherry!
OK.. I guess Ill go wander through the house a bit, maybe put some laundry away...   maybe sweep the floor... 
 have a nice afternoon girlie pies! 


  1. Your Valentines are so pretty, Vivian! Those pies look pretty good. You've reminded me that I have a heart shaped cupcake pan . . . somewhere. I'll have to look for that and make some this week.

  2. I do love the colors of Valentines Day, love the romantic look and colors in your creations such great pics! I bought some molds to play with, plan on trying paper clay ... sure wish I had one of those pies they look yummy ! Thinking of your young'n xo E

  3. Wow I sure wish I lived close to you... I would enjoy crafting with you and eating some of the yummy food you are always making! I hope your weekend is fun.. I will be babysitting a couple of the grands tonight. ox, Diane

  4. I can't wait until you can show the Valentines you made to send!
    I'm wanting to make a few things but I can't get out of my own way today - it's the laziest Saturday since I can remember.
    Enjoy your weekend, Viv!

  5. Hello,
    I love all of your pretty Valentines :) I read that book Heaven is Real...and it really helped me a little after Ashleys passing... I have that same pie maker but I haven't used it yet! Your little pies look yummy!

  6. Loving the valentines Viv! So cute!!! And now I am officially craving some pie :)

  7. I do want pie now! Loving seeing what you have made! Seems like "spoolies" are pretty popular this year. I'm the same way with books, just started the second in a series called "Outlander". I started swapping books with friends so I wouldn't have to pay for them unless it was for mailing them to each other.

  8. Love the pie cutter! Your Valentines are very sweet!

  9. Love the Valentines! Also love your sweet kitty-helpers! (Don't you want to visit Aunty Kai, Frannie & Figgy? We LOOOOVE kitties over here and - wahhhh - we aren't allowed to have any. But maybe two nice kitty visitors would be okay!) Vivvy, I wish you lived near me. I have (seriously) 8 BIG boxes of books I've read & they are all sitting in the garage 'cause I don't know anyone around here who wants them. You could take any and all you thought looked good! I'm NOT going to think about those yummy-looking pies because it tortures me - LOL - but I KNOW they are delicious. LOVE YOU!!!

  10. On to get away level...I recommend the Hunger Games... My 17 yr old son hates reading but he read all three in a matter of weeks. Anything that would get him to read I had to check out. I read all three & they really are a good read...she is quite a good story teller. If you'd rather more on a spiritual level I recommend Beth Moore's So Long Insecurity...those are my current favorites...The hearts are lovely...Patti M :)

  11. OMG!!! The valentines on top of the spools are to cute!!! They are just beautiful!
    I hope you have a good weekend.

  12. Those pies look divine! YUM!
    I see you made some Valentine spoolies! COOL!
    I stayed inside today and tried to clean up the family room! LOL!
    Keep warm!

  13. Viv- You should go get "Outlander"!
    I see that someone else mentioned it too. There are many books in the series, so if you love it (like I did) you can keep going. It's about a woman who gets tossed back into the 1700's, and falls in love with a Scottish War Lord. It's got history,war,sex and romance...and it's funny too!
    Dorothy (of Hen's Rule) always lists good books to read too.
    I want that little pie maker! So cute, Erica :)

  14. I'm with everyone: your valentines are wonderful! So layered, colorful and fun!

    I don't think I have ever, or will ever, go to Barnes and Noble with enough money. That place is just a delight, isn't it. I have to pry myself away from the magazines just to get to the books. How to choose!?!

    And those pies look scrumptious!

  15. Oh my. You are so talented. Every time I think you can't possibly come up with a new holiday pretty, you do! We woke up this morning to at least 8 new inches of snow. We must have 14 inches on the ground. I spent most of today decorating for the Chinese New Year party. It's beautiful, but far more work than I anticipated.

    Enjoy your relaxing weekend.

  16. Hi Cutie pie! The heart shaped pies look too cute. I adore your Valentine decorations. I was with Sandy and banned it this year. Love you Grace xoox

  17. Your Valentines are so pretty. I especially like the ones on spools. The pies look pretty good too. We made bread today and I can't stop eating it, with butter and jam!

  18. Viv,
    I got the last of my Valentines too, it feels good to put away the red stuff! :) I read two of those books, Water for the Elephants was a REALLY hard read, what a depressing time in America....Heaven is for Real was good too, but it got a bit over the top towards the end on what the child supposedly remembered being told....Have a great week! Sandy

  19. These are so pretty! I really liked this post.

  20. If your okay with fantasy books I would recommend any book by Mercedes Lackey. I love three of her series the most. Heralds of Valdemar, The Elemental Masters, and Five Hundred Kingdoms series. Love Your work.

  21. I am just in awe of your valentines! They are so beautiful, glittery, fluffy, wonderful! I love the 3 diminsional look to your projects! I'm not a baker - so making anything that resembles a pie seems pretty fabulous to me!

  22. Love your Valentines. Now reading is my thing. I run a book club here in town, keep track of the books I read in a year in 2012 it was 87. I don't sit around all day and read by any means, it's mostly done at night as I don't have a TV. I browse for books as I find the reviews there. We each have a Kindle too.

  23. Love the heart shaped pies! I'm a terrible pie maker. Bobby finally started buying them from the store. :)

    I read myself to sleep every night! I'm love fiction from the late 1800s or about the late 1800s. I hardly ever read anything else except I did read the Twilight and Hunger Games books. I'm a bit of a contradiction. :)

  24. Viv, Your valentines are just gorgeous!! And I could eat all those pies right along with you! Heh heh
    A very good book is "The Secret Garden" by Kate Morton. When I read it last year, I loved it, and then read all of her books, which are also great! I think you would love that series "The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter" by Susan Wittig Albert. I would start with the first book-you can see them on my blog. They are delightful! I read every night in bed and get all of my books from my library. I just request what I want and always have a long list going for books and DVDs!!!

  25. I gained weight just looking at! I like how you used the spools of thread!

    Sandy xox

  26. Hi there Viv, ALL of your craftiness makes me really look bad:) I haven't done nearly enough and I better get my hiney busy! Those pies look YUMMY!

    Enjoy your day dear friend, BIG HUGS!

  27. those heart shaped pies are cute! remind of the hostess pies. hope you had a great weekend! xo

  28. Beautiful Valentines Viv!!! Your helpers are so talented too! lol
    The pies look so tasty! I need to get to fixin' some little pies. I like to fry someapple pies. After seeing your pictures.. Yum!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. "Call the Midwife" by Jennifer Worth!! Good read.

  31. Beautiful Valentines!! Those pies look quite tasty! xo Heather

  32. Everything looks super cute! But oh those pies! Girl... those look so yummy!!! When I go to the library, I go directly to the "craft" section... thats it lol

  33. Read something by James Herriot; The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer; The Help by Kathryn Stockett; Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen; or The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

  34. Viv,
    i love your valentines. They are always so beautiful and creative. You are ultra-talented. I love my Juddy-bear so much. I bring him up and downstairs with me. People are just charmed by him. He has so much expression. They also wonder how you ever did this with a sweater. You have made me very happy!!

  35. Viv,
    i love your valentines. They are always so beautiful and creative. You are ultra-talented. I love my Juddy-bear so much. I bring him up and downstairs with me. People are just charmed by him. He has so much expression. They also wonder how you ever did this with a sweater. You have made me very happy!!

  36. Viv,
    i love your valentines. They are always so beautiful and creative. You are ultra-talented. I love my Juddy-bear so much. I bring him up and downstairs with me. People are just charmed by him. He has so much expression. They also wonder how you ever did this with a sweater. You have made me very happy!!

  37. Viv,
    i love your valentines. They are always so beautiful and creative. You are ultra-talented. I love my Juddy-bear so much. I bring him up and downstairs with me. People are just charmed by him. He has so much expression. They also wonder how you ever did this with a sweater. You have made me very happy!!

  38. Viv,
    i love your valentines. They are always so beautiful and creative. You are ultra-talented. I love my Juddy-bear so much. I bring him up and downstairs with me. People are just charmed by him. He has so much expression. They also wonder how you ever did this with a sweater. You have made me very happy!!

  39. Viv,
    i love your valentines. They are always so beautiful and creative. You are ultra-talented. I love my Juddy-bear so much. I bring him up and downstairs with me. People are just charmed by him. He has so much expression. They also wonder how you ever did this with a sweater. You have made me very happy!!

  40. Your valentine spools are gorgeous!! I love them!! Beautiful work!

