Saturday, February 9, 2013

on this snowy morning!

snow day
Im sending a package from utah! 
to miss shirleys house!
going in the mail!
and this little valentine owl is excited to be going away!
another owlie
hopefully this package will make it to her by valentines day.  Luckily my husbands friend was at out house at 5:30 this morning in his big truck, plowing us out!  So grateful, so now I can make a trip out to the post office this morning!
we have a lot of snow here!  I'm guessing a good 18 inches came down yesterday.  not as bad as our friends along the east coast.   
 this morning 
I have to admit that the snow really is pretty. 

 the litttle white tree 
but, Id rather stay inside and enjoy this view instead! 
Have a great day everyone!


  1. I'm glad you have power. After you run your errand, stay cozy. The sun is out this morning and the girls are hoping to go sledding.

  2. We got snow here to! I pray we din't lose power. It is so pretty to look at but I seriously can't wait til Spring!

  3. So glad it isn't too bad for you there. I hope you keep your power and can stay home and do a bunch of crafting this weekend.

  4. Love that little owl ~ so cute!
    My family lives in Connecticut and my sister sent me some pictures of the crazy snow they got. With the snow drifts and the shoveling she literally has piles along her driveway that are higher than her SUV!
    Hope you stay warm and cozy today. :)

  5. love the pictures of the snow! I'm sure Shirley will love her owl!!


  6. YES, the snow is SO pretty! That package is gonna put a HUGE smile on Shirley's face:) Have a blessed, safe and happy day! HUGS!

  7. I've never had people risk life and limb for! I can't wait to see that little cutie in person!

  8. We are expecting some snow tonight... :(
    Thank you for the sweet valentine that arrived yesterday!
    Keep safe!

  9. Stay cozy! We might take the kids tubing...rather stay in and craft but you know how kids are, they want to have fun...and be fed etc. Really cuts into craft time! LOL Still loving that owl. Congrats again Shirley in Utah!

  10. Boy does that look cold!!!!! I got a sweet little Valentine in the mail yesterday Viv....thank you for thinking of me!
    It is sunny and cool here, we had rain last night....should be a nice week in the mid 70's during the day, this is why I put up with 110 degrees in the summer! :):) Have a great weekend! Sandy

  11. 18 inches! Oh my! We woke up to snow too, this morning. I was so excited! Coming from the desert, snow is pretty exciting! But it's already melted! You make the cutest things. The little owl is a hoot!

  12. 18 inches! Oh my! We woke up to snow too, this morning. I was so excited! Coming from the desert, snow is pretty exciting! But it's already melted! You make the cutest things. The little owl is a hoot!

  13. Hi Viv!
    Thanks for stopping by and visiting. Wish I could be into Valentines like you, but I feel like I'm behind the 8-ball, just getting back to blogging and all. It's so fun to be able to come back to your blog for eye candy!

  14. Such severe weather! We are buried too! Your Valentine package is just full of love! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  15. Hi Viv, my loverley...I hate the snow too...Infact I am a very dangerous person in it (slipping and a sliding all over the place and screaming like a banshee in the process! not a good look! lol!) so like you...I would love to come over and sit with you with tea and cake looking at that wonderful splendor you have created...Happy Valentines Viv and stay in and stay warm and I hope that that bad bad weather goes away soon :)

    Luv ya,
    Luv Happy xx

  16. Yeah we got dumped with 24 inches. I love the ornaments you made us btw! Stay warm!

    Sandy xox

  17. Oh...Viv! I just can't believe there is so much cuteness in one photo! You are so full of fun, whimsy and creativity! How I love each one of your tiny creations!
    I can't sleep (the night owl that I am) and so I am happily strolling through some of my favorite blogs. Yours is tops on my list for Valentine Charm.
    Have a sweet day, my dear friend!
    Carolynn xoxo
