Wednesday, June 26, 2013

still playing with the red white and blue!

patriotic souls!
So the weekend away sort of wet my whistle and got my little brain primed for more red white and blue fun!  I made these little patriotic souls monday morning before I went to work! !   I just love how they turned out. such fun!  I was up working on these at 5:00 in the morning.. A great time for crafting.  makes it so much easier to go to work if I've had a little fun first.  and then I took them with me so I could enjoy them all day! though if I hadnt been able to finish them that morning, I would have had a difficult time focusing at work because I would have been obsessing about finishing them! lol!
cone full
I made this cone and filled it on sunday afternoon after I got home.  I had made the pinwheels and another cone at my aunts, but I needed to make a bigger one.
Also when I came home on sunday, I found two packages waiting for me!  I had two partners for the patriotic ornie swap as there was a odd number and Im always happy to have two partners! 
from Sandy McClay
I received these wonderful old reflectors and patriotic trinkets from Sandy McClay.  and Look at this awesome ornament she made me!  I had to take something right off my tree and put this in a prominent place! thank you Sandy!
Ornie from sandy
And then from my other partner, Ashley Cox, this is what I received! I LOVE it all.. the little vintage fireworks piece with the old photo and the three little owls!  I hung one owl right on my tree and the other two are placed on the shelf in my living room.  The fireworks piece is displayed with my little patriotic souls from the first pic I showed.  thank you girls!  I love all that I received!
from Ashley and Michelle
Its finally summer here.. in fact its been pretty darn hot here. We dont have an air conditioner, but I do run a fan in every room and it seems to keep things bearable.   Even Figgy and Franny found their way to sprawl out in front of a fan!  I got a kick out of them!
kitties in front of fan
Okeedokie bloggypies.. Ive got to get moving..  I have to transport a kid this morning and have to leave an hour earlier then usual...   cramps my morning play time I tell ya! lol
have a great day!


  1. Beautiful creations and OH SO sweet gifts:) Have a blessed day dear Viv, HUGS!

  2. Three cheers for the red, white and blue!! Love all of it!!

  3. Very cute stuff! I love those reflectors.

  4. HAHAHA! I can't imagine having to go to work after playing in my art room like that! It'd be too hard to leave. Good thing you finished too. Like you, I'd be obsessing over them all day.
    Hey Viv, do you have another post on how to make the pin-wheels? I'd love to make them with the kids. Do they actually work or are they for decoration only? Either way, love them!
    Guess what? After 25 years, I'm taking an art class. Mary's taking her first one too, by the same people. Stop by and see!

  5. DARLING with a capital D. Those characters in your first photo are crazy silly patriotic fun!

  6. Oh Viv! Your creations are beautiful. I wish I could get up at 5:00 and create, maybe I'll try one day! :)

    Your ornies are so pretty and festive!

  7. No AC????? How about room ones? My gosh Viv...I would melt....hmmm...maybe that isn't such a bad

  8. OH...I am so glad you like my ornie!!! Thanks for taking photos, I for got....The other items are just as cute from your second partner....:)

    It is suppose to hit 117 this weekend...the last of the hottest days are always in June...then the "Monsoon" comes in and it stays around 106, but with humidity....WORSE time of year to live here....:)

  9. No AC????? How about room ones? My gosh Viv...I would melt....hmmm...maybe that isn't such a bad

  10. What happy crafting! You are always full of inspiration!

  11. You continually amaze me with your sweet creations. You are SOOO talented! xo Diana

  12. You make such wonderful treasures! I have always envied the way Americans celebrate and how they decorate.

  13. FABULOUS! As always! I'm sneaking your blog from our motel bathroom this morning.

  14. Love all your red, white and blue goodness!

  15. Happy 4th!

    I love my a/c! I don't want to be without it! But we have some pretty hot temps in the summer. It's really nice right now, though.
