Sunday, June 9, 2013

sunday morning.. chitter chatter..

Wow!  how did we get to sunday already?  I didnt do anything yesterday really, but the day just seemed to slip away.  I sort of cleaned up my craft room.. though just enough so that I could work at the table.  and I made this 10 minute pie..  I grocery shopped yesterday morning.. and thats about it
well, it was baby Jacobs birthday yesterday and I had Torry pie over night, so after we got groceries we went and bought a dozen balloons filled with helium.  Then Torry and I went to Jacobs grave and I had Torry let them go, one at a time, up up up into the cloudy sky.  He loved seeing them float off the heaven for Jacob, but was not happy at the end when they were all gone except the 2 that I gave him to take home. he said, no balloons for jacob!   too late buddy..  lol!

Was originally thinking about going to the beach today.. but now I dont think I feel like it.  I think I'm going to stay home and make some fireworks!  and probably cut out that wedding dress bear. 
soo... that pie??  Ive eaten more then half of it.  but guess what.. there only 4 ww points in the whole pie!  I could eat the whole thing and it would be ok! woohoo!
easy peasy..
2 cups of water.
1 pkg of sugar free/fat free COOK vanilla pudding
1 pkg of sugar free/fat free strawberry jello
4 cups of strawberries halved

Bring water and pudding mix to a boil, take off stove, and add pkg of jello.
Stir well, and let cool
Clean and slice the fresh strawberries.
Line pie plate with strawberries as the "crust"
Pour pudding/jello combination on top
Let chill for an hour.
I did eat the first piece I had with lowfat graham crackers, which of course ups the points.  I also used lowfat whipped cream on it..   but then i just had it with the whipped cream.  
Happy Sunday my bloggypies! and have a great week too!


  1. MAKE some fireworks? Do tell! ♥

  2. Thanks for sharing the strawberry recipe. Sounds and looks absolutely heavenly. I snuck in some patriotic crafting and got Chris's package in the mail. I can't wait to see your fireworks. Sunday hugs!

  3. Thanks for sharing the recipe! I love strawberries!! I have to freshen up the guest room, Libby, daughter number 4 is coming home for a quick visit tomorrw, and them some crafting!

  4. Love that WW Pie...we make a couple of versions of is hard when it tastes so good not to eat too much ;) Have a great day!

  5. That pie looks very tasty I will be making a strawberry and blueberry smoothie today... I am trying to stay on an eating healthy kick... Happy Sunday

  6. Just this week I was thinking about baby Jacob...hoping that your hearts are healing...
    the pie looks divine :) I just bought LOTS of fruit at the grocery.
    Great news about a new Grandbaby girl to come.

  7. I've been putting out patriotic things all day long - but can't find the box of FAVES! Why is that! So what are the fireworks gonna be? STRAWBERRIES...yummy pie!!!

  8. Oooooo... might have to give that a try since it's strawberry season here.
    Chris =]

  9. sTRAAAWBERRY PIE is my favorite and since I am dieting this is extra special. Thanks for sharing the recipe viv.
