Thursday, July 11, 2013

♪♫beach baby beach baby ♪♫

beach 5
Today is my friday and I took off tomorrow and monday so I'm looking forward to a nice four day weekend.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful all four days!   I have no real plans other then to get to the lake a couple days and to do what ever i feel like doing.  I went last saturday and the water was only 56 degrees! ha! but I got it and got fully wet!  I didnt stay in too long though.  hopefully this weekend it will be a little warmer. I think I'll go to the book store tomorrow morning before the beach to get something to read or some magazines..
so calm!
I think I will also change my patriotic decorating to my summer themed decorating...  not that I really have that much to change up.. but I have a bin full.. mostly seashells..  though I love all my little patriotic friends and hate to put them all away!   geesh.. just thinking after the seashells... it'll be time for do halloween! LOL!!  lets not rush that though.. its finally just getting summery here.  Im ready for the beach!
two flamingos
I need to get off of here, I have to start work early today and I have to work late.. not looking forward to that at all.. anyways, I still have to feed figgy, franny and buffy and make my lunch!  by the way,   buffys sitting on 4 eggs!  lol!  they wont hatch, and I'll start taking them away from her one at a time.. I dont like when she has eggs because she just sits in the bottom of her cage and doesnt talk or whistle.. 
I'll be back later! I better go get busy!
have a great day everyone! 
oh.. ps.. both of my little grand pies were sick this week with strep throat, pink eye and colds and ear infections!!
just breaks my heart I tell ya!! 
they are both feeling a little better now


  1. Have fun Viv, Some times we need to think of ourselves. Hope the get well soon. Pink eye can be very scary.xoxo,Susie

  2. I hope your grands germs stay far away from you. I hope this work day flies by quickly. You've got a fabulous weekend ahead of you!

  3. Have a great weekend at the beach!

  4. Have a nice long relaxing weekend. (stay away from that pink eye..hate it). I have swapped out my 4th for beachy stuff...just right for the summer.

  5. Have fun at the lake! Yay!!! for summer decorating. I think it's already Fall over at my Joannes - they are always too ahead of the season!

  6. Have a wonderful and relaxing time!! xo Heather

  7. Oh, poor little grand pies!

    I love the pool but would rather the beach any day. I often dream about the beach and waves. ♥

  8. Your paperclay flamingo turned out great! So fun! Have fun at the beach! Glad the grids are on the mend.
