Monday, September 23, 2013

monday morning chatter!

little witches
Ive been going to do a little halloween tour of my house for yous, but the lighting just sucks here all the time.  I have trouble getting good pics anywhere other then then kitchen.  but I will continue to work on that for you!  I did manage to snap the witches above for you in my craft room this morning.  arent they sweet?!  lol!
This weekend went so fast!  I got used to those three day weekends all summer.. now its back to longer days and shorter weekends...

candy corn spoolie
Friday night I played in my craft room making my first halloweenies for the year!  There are so many things in my head, I didnt even know what to make.  In fact it stressed me out and I ended up making something that i didnt even know was in my head.  She turned out cute.. but she didnt really satisfy that itch! 
little gifties for jen
Saturday morning I worked on a little gift to go with my daughter Jennifers birthday presents.  She likes pink and shabby chic,  so I thought I'd make her some pinkish fall things.  I wanted to paint the gourds to see how they would turn out because we're doing that for vanessa and tonys wedding in LESS THEN TWO WEEKS !  (OMG!!)
And, speaking of the wedding, sat afternoon, I headed over to vanessas to work on wedding stuff.  We still have a lot to do.  Anyone have a good and simple recipe for carmel popcorn?  I burnt the first batch!   we're making ball jars of carmel popcorn for wedding favors.. they are going to be cute.. but maybe harder to do then we thought!   (never fear Vanessa dear, we will get it right!  lol!)
im coloring grammie!
When I left Vanessa's I took Torry home with me for the night so that the girls could pick up the guys in the night if need be, as they were all out doing the bachelor party thing.  I havent heard the details on how the night went, but I'm dying to!  I hope Tony had a good time.  I'm pretty sure he did.. though I'm sure he was tired as he had worked all night the night before and they started out at 11:00 am with about 30 guys going to play paint ball wars.  then to a gun show, then to dinner and then out somewhere..  I bet he slept most of the day yesterday!
So anyways, Torry pie.  He spent the night.  Gosh is he the funniest little guy!  I love my grandbabies to pieces and am so excited to be getting another one in only 6 weeks or so!   OMG!  weddings and babies..  so much going on around here!
bat girl ornie
and that brings me to sunday.  After Torry left I got back into my craft room and made a couple more little halloweenies, but I can only show you this one.  the others are for swaps.  I had a pretty quiet low key afternoon, I baked bread, made a pot of homemade veggie beef soup and an apple cake., played in my craft room and watched two movies!  (I never watch tv!) 
so girls.. that was my weekend!  now I have 45 minutes to feed the animals, shower, iron, pack my lunch and get out the door to go to work...   better run! 
have a great week!!


  1. It sounds like you had a full weekend, Vivian! I love your Halloweenies. The owl is adorable.

  2. Love your witches shadowbox. Your felted creatures are always amazing too. I've been eagerly awaiting your Halloween pictures. I don't mind you spacing them out. A Viv blog fix keeps me happy, happy, HAPPY!

    Sounds like a full weekend. I can't believe all you squeeze in each day. You and I are both kindred spirits with the lack of sleeping thing. Chris has to remind me to come to bed and then has to hunt for me in the mornings. Too bad those pesky jobs get in the way. HUGS!!!

  3. Cute witches in the shadow box and love your candy corn and cute owl!! They are adorable!! Happy Monday! xo Holly

  4. Oh my gosh Viv, You are sooo creative! I love what you did with Blythe. And the candy corn is so cute! Listening to you, I look forward to becoming a grannie one day :) Have a nice week!

  5. I loved everything, it's hard to choose! Those little acorns were too cute!!

  6. You have a fun life. You work hard but have so much fun at the same time. Love your creations. Got a the caramel corn. Cheaper probably. It may get all sticky depending on the weather if you make it. The already made stuff probably has so many preservatives that it won't get sticky.....and who will know. You could throw some candy corn in it too.

  7. After reading this I really feel like a slug, all I did this weekend was read a book. :)

    Halloweenies,weddings and babies OH MY!!
    Have Fun,
    Chris =]

  8. You are one busy lady!!! Your sweet grands are so lucky to have you so close! I'm sure they love spending the weekend with such a busy grammie!!

  9. Love all of your sweet Halloweenies! My son and his bride had caramel corn at their weeding reception too:) But they bought theirs. I'll email you a recipe we have been using for years - very simple. Hope your week goes fast!

  10. Viv,
    Hi! It is nice to see you crafting your little heart out! Caramel corn ...hmmm....I go to "Google" and put in " easy caramel corn" and see what comes up! lol I love ll of your goodoies....things are cooling off here, it was only int he 90's today! And suppose to be in the 70's tonight! WHo_Hoo! I think I might be getting my groove back....:):) ( fingers are crossed)

  11. I love your little creations ...especially your candy corn person ...adorable ...I want one :)

  12. Hi Viv! Things are a little crazy around here multitasking skills are in need of a reboot....I love that little Halloween corn amaze me with the things you come up with
