Saturday, September 28, 2013

more living room halloween peeks

my throne
(my throne)
Ahhh, the weekend!  lots to do this weekend.. making TONS, I say, TONS of carmel popcorn that we are filling mason jars with for Vanessa and Tonys wedding favors.   Making wedding chandeliers out of hoolahoops, christmas lights, burlap and grapevine, painting and hollowing out 80 gourds to hold candles.. and who knows what else.  I guess it will be what ever else needs to be done!
halloween shelfies
(love all these sweet little halloweenies)
One week from today they will be getting married!  so excited.   I love the girls my sons have chosen to marry.  both are beautiful and creative and they put up with me.. what more could I want?   Oh, and they adore my sons.. that is the most important part!
top of shelfies
(on top of the shelvies..)
So here is another peek into my living room.  another day, I'll show you more in there... Yes.. theres more.. not a lot more in there, but theres more...     I have to tell you even little torry pie..( who got his hair cut last night!!) was lying on the couch with me, he looked around the room and said, "Grammy youve got that stuff EVERYWHERE!!!"  Cracked me up!  I could not believe that came out of him.   I said, yeah, but you love it all dont you torry pie?  he said, "uh huh!"
some more friends
(somemore of my favorite things)
Ive got to get my hair cut in an hour.  Im going to ask what she thinks I should do with it for the wedding.  I wont wear it up because I have a beard!  lol!  I like it down around my face! lol.. (really its not funny, I hate it and spend hours plucking it out everyweek...) anyways,  wanted to get a manicure before the wedding, but doesnt it figure Ive had nice long nails all summer, and the last two weeks they have mostly broken off and become ragged.  Im not one to have fake nails...  but I may consider it. But then again... why bother?
some friends
(is it possible to have so many favorite things?)
I really should get off the computer and start getting ready to go since its 8:40 and my appts at 9:30 and Im still in my jammies....   but I guess I still have a little time, its only about 7 houses around the corner from me.   At some point today or tonight I have to get some groceries.  we are about out of everything!  I only had two teabags left this morning.  Im a 4 cup morning tea drinker.. I drank the first one at 6:00 and put off the second one til now!  Im thinking I'm going to have to drive through tim hortons for a large one before i go to nessas today.
living room tree
(tree on entertainment center.)
I have 6 halloween trees. I know, Im a halloween hog!  I have the two in the living room, one on the entertainment center, and one on the mantle, both sitting inside halloween crowns that I made a few years ago.  If you go back to the previous post, you can sort of see the other crown.   I just have too much fun with halloween.. and such a shame that I dont get trick or treaters here!
caught 'im
Youve already seen skelly in his cage.  I love this.  I just threw a giant spiders web over this table last night.. I'll take another picture sometime before halloween.  lol.. if you look at this picture above in the window you can see my pink polkadot pajamas!
hello fall
and, lastly, a little box full of pumpkins!  I'm dying to get pumpkins and gourds for outside.. Ive dont nothing out there yet.  but Im totally broke and not so sure I'll be getting all the pumpkins I usually get this year.  but I have to tell ya, walmart has the most awesome fancy and ugly warty pumpkins for 6.00 a piece.  if I only needed 1 it would be a great price, but being that I need about 10... maybe not.. Okeedokie.. Ive got to stop fambling on and run...   have a great weekend!  its supposed to be 74 and sunny here today.  
Happy Day!!


  1. I can't get over how much Halloween you have!! And it's all just so amazing! I'm not sure how you can even choose favorites!!! Enjoy your day!

  2. Oh my what a fun Halloweenie house you have. I love it all. Keep showing us pictures.
    I stopped at a road side pumpkin stand. I stood by the car as my littles were inside. I got two small/med. white pumpkins and four small orange ones for $10. I couldn't carry a big one right now, so this will do for me.
    I am sure you are broke. You go al in for these weddings. The girls in laws must just love you.

  3. Oh my gosh, everything is so cute! I love the little pumpkin guy on the cute black bird, and the pretty bug eyed girl!

  4. Love all your decorations!! Your halloweenies are sooo cute on the shelf and love your Halloween tree!! :) Such sweetness!! Happy Saturday! xo Holly

  5. Did I love looking at your Halloween pictures? Oh, yes, I did! What fun! And I hope you're having even more fun getting all those wonderful decorating ideas accomplished this weekend!

  6. Did I love looking at your Halloween pictures? Oh, yes, I did! What fun! And I hope you're having even more fun getting all those wonderful decorating ideas accomplished this weekend!

  7. I love your fall/Halloween décor!!! FYI: your little package is going out on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Torrie Pie got his hair cut!!!! Noooooooooo!!! Ya'll did NOT cut off his sweetie curls did you??? may have over reacted a little! LOL! :) I love that you have that many halloween trees! Praying extra energy for you to accomplish everything!...hugs patti m :)

  9. Your halloween display is amazing Viv. I like your skeleton in the birdcage too. I am just starting to get some fall decorations out now. You have inspired me.

    xo Danielle

  10. You and Kim K are the Halloween gals! SO much fun!
    Take lots of photos of the wedding decor. I'm looking for ideas for my daughters wedding! Very exciting around your home!

    I hope you got to mail the package today for the swap! Thanks!

  11. I'm just tuning in. Normally, I take pride in being the first post. I love it all. I seriously do. Chris will need to take in all your Halloween goodness later this evening. It truly is amazing. I especially love that you have multiple Halloween trees.

    It's been a whirlwind of homecoming dance preparations today at my house. We were in charge of transporting 13 girls to the dance this evening. I'm all about group dating at this point.

  12. You crack me up:) Love all of your cute Halloweenie collections! SO MUCH to enjoy by everyone! Enjoy your weekend, can't wait to see what you do with your hair! HUGS!

  13. Oh, I love it all!! Especially the tree!! Spooky goodness! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  14. Oh- I just love coming here and reading your sweet, newsy posts and seeing all the things you have collected and crafted. AND your love for your family just jumps off the screen at me.

    I am so happy that you are getting a wonderful daughter-in-law- I have one like that. I had another not-so-nice dil but she is history- Thank you, Lord! Can't wait to see more and see some of the wedding pictures! whoo hooo. xo Diana

  15. Look into Vaniqa. It's a prescription cream for facial hair. I have used it for years. It slows down growth and weakens the hair. If you decide to try it, their website always has a rebate available. Oh, and my general practioner has written the prescription so you don't have to necessarily go to a dermatologist.

    Another thing you could do is watch for a Groupon for laser hair removal. My daughter had GREAT success with that!

  16. Super and orange and black festive. Blustery and rainy here and my Halloween bins are poised to be opened and gone thru.

  17. Oh my Viv!It's a virtual Halloween Museum! I love all of your tiny creatures and you've displayed them for easy ogling! I don't have nearly as much Halloween stuff as I do Fall stuff. (I was so glad when I won your Halloween least I have the faux cupcakes, needle-felted acorns and postcards!)
    Love to come and see all of your displays and when I read about how much you jam into a weekend, I need to go take a nap!!!
    Have fun!

  18. Oh! Now I know it is fall, Viv's blog is all Halloweeney! lol Love your banner...and all of your wonderful goodies...they always bring a smile...:)

  19. You can put off getting ready to go to the hairdresser because you don't have to fix your hair! I love that!

  20. OMG you made me smile with all your beautiful decorations and all your planning for the wedding. I am going to force myself to make a few Halloween things. I am in my own pitty party right now, with my brother's Cancer and my 83 year old dad fell off a ladder and now has pneumonia I am tired beat and don't feel like decorating!! So thank you for posting such pretties and I can live vicariously through you! Grace xoox

  21. oh my----more halloween whimsy---a girl after my own heart. I LOVE decorating. ALl of our kids and kidlets live far away so they are never here for halloween, but my art kids are here every week and they love all the decorations. We do get some tricker or treaters so that is always fun. The bad thing is we are the last house in a cul de sac and all the other houses turn their lights out for trick or treaters!!! Sounds like you are so busy with all the wedding prep.

  22. Cool Blog
