Saturday, November 2, 2013

I got a surprise!

Tiffany uploaded some pics today while she was here, so now I can show you all miss marlas cute little halloween costume!  doesnt she make a sweet little lambie pie? 
lambie pielambie  pie 4
They were here for a while today to visit, and she is just the sweetest thing!  shes got quite the little personality!  I had a full house for a little while, tiffany, Robby and Marlaina, Bethany and torry pie, tony and Vanessa... and vanessa was having contractions, fairly strong ones I guess... but they stopped.  well, it wont be much longer.. We will have a new baby with in the next week or so.  OMG!  I cant wait!
lambie pie3
so, never a dull moment in my life.  I need to make another christmas stocking as there will be 15 this year.  and guess what?  Next christmas, I will need to fill 16 stockings!  yes, 16!  I found this little poem on my desk at work on halloween....
tiffanys news
 Yes, I thought I was expecting just Tony and Nessas baby, but turns out we are expecting two!  Tiffany and Robert are expecting again!!!   I got so excited at work when I read this that I was sweating!  lol!
Craziness I tell you.  I need a bigger house!  SERiously!!
So anyways.. one due any day and another coming this summer!  woohoo!
My family likes to keep my head spinning dont they?
bony and bonita!
In other news!!  Bony Neroni fell in love today with Bonita!  Tony and Vanessa bought her for me today.  LOL!! such fun!  they just crack me up, they are sitting on the porch swing, gazing into each others eye sockets!  lol!
Halloween is just about all packed up. I still have the porch to do and theres a few things in the bathroom.. such a job!  And, I already have thanksgiving out!  been a busy day and I've been going since 4:45.. now I am heading to the couch with a bowl of popcorn!
sweet dreams and happy sunday!


  1. Congratulations such good news before you know it you will catch up with me We are at 8 grand-peeps.. and yes the house fills up quickly, but I love it! Happy Sunday!!

  2. Congrats, Viv! I'm so happy for you that I had to tell my husband ("You know, the blog friend with the motorcycle husband" - because that's all he would remember!)
    I only have one grand and I wish I could have more, but my oldest doesn't want kids and my youngest isn't ready to settle down. Wah!!

  3. The more the merrier when it comes to grand babies. So excited for you. Your house will be bursting with love, won't it. I love Neroni's lady friend.

  4. Congratulations on more and more sweet babies:) I love a new baby, heck I love old babies too:) Enjoy your day, tell those skeletons to get a room... hehehehehehe! HUGS!

  5. Congratulations!! You have a lovey family!!,

  6. Congrats girl and M makes the perfect little lamb :)

  7. Viv, Maybe the next two will be little lamby-kins too. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  8. She is the cutest lambie ever!!! Oh, how fun to have all these grandbabies. (A little jealous, here!)

  9. Oh what a cutie in her lamb outfit. She's adorable. Congrats on your wonderful news...babies are just the best especially when you can send them home with their parents. lol!


  10. Oh what beautiful Treat for your family all these new beautiful babies to play with all the cuties!! That baby lamb is definately the cutest. lol You have a beautiful family! Enjoy Grace xoox

  11. Yippee on more babies! I'm so happy for you. Such sweet pictures of Marla in her precious costume. Chris and I spent most of today putting away Halloween. I think I'm only half way done. I need a fairy godmother to finish up the rest.

    PS. Your skeletons are fabulous!

  12. That little lamb is just darling, what a precious sight!

  13. What a sweet lamb!! She is so adorable, and congrats on the new one on the way!

  14. Hi Viv,
    It's been awhile since I've roamed around the blogging-block. Your Halloween decorations are breathtaking. You definitely win, Viv!! : )
    And congratulations on the two new grand babies coming up. : )

  15. Ah life have truly been blessed. Congrats!!!

  16. YEA Two new grandbabies how lucky are you? Congratulations
