Wednesday, March 26, 2014

morning smiles!

just a couple cute things to share with you.  several projects going on at once, but I did finish this one yesterday morning.  Im making chicks too that were inspired by kim K, but Ive been waiting for the paper clay to dry.  might get to them tonight!  This morning I have to make a sleeping beauty's crown for my daughter.  she is directing the musical  "into the woods" and needs a crown, otherwise Id probably be playing with those chicks this morning!

I had violet here one evening last weekend and she is a doll!  I had uploaded a picture of her and she just started to laugh when she saw herself!   shes such a happy little thing!

and adorable too!
and speaking of adorable.....

look at miss marla princess pie!  she came to visit me sunday..  she is such a little lovey.. I seriously could just hug the stuffing out of her!

I am blessed!

Also, Im happy to say that the curve balls that came my way a couple weeks ago and knocked the wind out of my sails will be behind me after today!  there may be a few little residual scars.. but those wont keep me down. 
and.. someday spring will come..  we just dont know when....   mother nature is so confused!
have a great day bloggy pies!


  1. I hope your work day speeds by so that you come home and play. Thinking of you today and sending some BIG hugs!

  2. Mother Nature is confused, isn't she? What adorable little Violet laughing at herself:) PRECIOUSNESS! Add in those sweeties with their bunny ears... be still my heart! I know you enjoy each and every moment with those babies! Enjoy your day dear Viv, HUGS!

  3. Glad to hear those curve balls will be behind you, Vivian. Those little girls are too cute. It's a laughfest when a baby starts laughing. She looks adorable in that picture laughing at herself on your monitor. Love your creations. Can I ask ~ is that crepe paper garland something you can buy or do you make it? I'd like to get some on hand for my own projects and am just wondering where/what I'm looking for.

  4. Love your grands! They are so cute!! And your crafting is pretty cute too! Hoping your day goes quickly..I'm hoping mine does too!!!

  5. Violet (I love that name) and Marla are just adorable. You really do have cute Grands! I do believe that Spring will never get here this year.



  6. Your Easter creation is so cute - and so are your granddaughters! You are a lucky grandma! Maybe you will get some of the warm temps that we will get next week. Have a great day!

  7. So glad things are getting lighter and you are feeling brighter.

    Cutie patootie kiddie parade! Precious pies!

    Your Easter spoolie is so adorable, Viv!

    I just took a needle felting class and wasn't able to finish my ducky before the class ended WAH and my poor ducky is naked and faceless. I thought I remembered what the teacher said about putting the eyes on but it didn't work. HELP! Could you possibly tell me how to put the glass eyes on my poor sad ducky? :)

    Happy humperoonie day!

  8. Viv,
    You are SO blessed! And I am really happy to hear the worst is behind you......for the first time in 40+ years, I can say the same thing!

  9. Make sure you go see that play, Viv. I did this one several years ago and it is a fun little story line. Glad you had a bit of time to play before work. xo Diana

  10. I couldn't see your pictures!!!

  11. Seeing these pics makes me want grandkids! OK, with an 8 and 10 year old, I have a ways to go, but babies! Sometimes a gal just want to hold a baby!

  12. curve balls: pick 'em up and throw 'em back.

  13. Marla is such a doll! Vince was in Hamburg over the weekend and got caught in a snow storm. I was surprised since we have been getting warmer weather lately. Anyway I plan to come to Buffalo to buy some furniture at the end of April. Will let you know when so that we could hopefully meet-up. TTYS! xox
