Monday, April 21, 2014

favorite easter pics

wow! the weekend was crazy!  busy!  and Im a bit egg-zausted!  lol!
We had a great easter weekend.  I took a bunch of pictures but its so hard to pic just a few favorites to post.  This one of violet above is one of my most favorites..  isnt she stinking awesome???

They all are.   I am blessed with such awesome little people in my life.  And they were all so good this weekend.  I just want to smoosh them all...  Little marla princess pie is stinking funny as heck!  she says the funniest things.  she couldnt peddle the little bike so she basically stradle walked it around saying "I ride'n my bike!"

And Torry..  what a trip he is.  There is a rule, I was not aware of, and that is no picture taking when he's riding his bike!

Tiffany and I pushed Marla around for a bit, but she really was quite happy to walk it like I said before.  lol!
Ready, get set, Go!

Dont you love this picture of Marla walking away?  I think it looks really cool with the old cemetary in the background.  this is across the street from my house behind the church.

heres a few more of my favs from yesterday..  jen and tony.. there are so many tonys around here, the babies have started calling this uncle tony, uncle trupo! 

the guys

nessa and bethany
and look how precious violets little outfit is and that expression!  shes wondering what her cousin is laughing about..
And this pic below of my son Tony is my favorite of the day.  I LOVE this picture!

and lastly.. the food.. gotta have food pics!  see the bunny cake? 

I hope you all had a happy Easter weekend..
if you really want to see the rest of the pics from the weekend, go here.
For some reason flickr changed something about loading their pictures... and they seem to take longer to come up. I know a couple people have mentioned that they cant see the pics..  Are these showing up ok?
Happy Monday bloggy friends!


  1. What precious photos. I could see them all on flickr just fine. Your grands are just too cute!! It looks like you had perfect weather for all your outdoor Easter celebrations. Such yummy food too. You'll have to email where you bought those rabbit puppets. They are amazing! Continued Easter blessings!!

  2. Sweet photos! Glad you had a blessed and lovely Easter!! xo Heather

  3. Oh they all look so cute for Easter! Adorable, young and old, lol.

    I wondered why I was having trouble seeing your blog now.. This time fine, but usually It tries to load up but can't, so I click off and try again later.

  4. Good picture taking, Lady! I get to see my "pies" next week. Can't wait.

  5. Okay- YOUR favorite picture makes me smile right out loud. I giggled when I saw it because it is SOOO cute. They are all just darling kiddos-each and every one of them. I do see that bunny cake and it is adorable, too-xo Diana

  6. Love the photos!! Your family has so much fun together! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. I love all of the photos and they all came out for me. How wonderful to have your family so close! And the cousins will not only be physically close but also close in friendship! YEA!

    Love Princess Maria, she has fortitude! She will go forth! And Torry, oh, they are all so cute! I hope he will let you take a photo when he is on a two wheeler for his first rides!

    Happy Easter!
    With Kindness,

  8. oH! Your hair is Pink! So Lovely!

  9. I hope you had a wonderful Easter! The Grandbabies are so adorable!!!And that little dress it is so pretty...

  10. The pictures are showing up JUST fine and OH SO CUTE:) PRECIOUS little one in the sunglasses, print it and frame it:) LOVE the slideshow! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!
