Sunday, August 17, 2014

Good morning girlfriends!

OH Girls, here I am!!  I feel like Ive been gone forever!  I guess Ive been busy!  Last weekend I had babies here all day friday and friday evening, and then the same for Saturday.  Sunday I needed a break and some quiet time so I went to the beach alone, rather then going to the buffalo zoo with the rest of my family!  I just needed to veg out for a few hours with my nook and 6 uploaded magazines!  I'd go back to the beach today.. but mother nature thinks its fall here!

 Then, I worked all week.  usually I only work 3 or 4 days a week during the summer and take vacation days on mondays or fridays.. or both!  But this week I worked all five days and I survived!  I'll be back on schedule for the next couple weeks though working  tues, weds and thursdays and having fri, sat, sun and mondays off!  I Cant believe summers almost over.. and like I said above... its feeling very fallish here.  rainy and cool..  though I think its supposed to be sunny today and tomorrow.. but only 70 ish.  I guess I'll be happy with the sunshine. 

So anyways.. yeah, see what happens when I work all week??? 
(the above picture?)  yeah, my sweet, loving coworkers started a little support group for themselves who have to deal with me... LOL!  of all the nerve!    They crack me up!  (they really love me though...they just like to mess with me... )
Towards the end of the week Tony went away for a couple days and I was busy cleaning up the house and getting ready for Friday night as I was having a girls night party.  I love my friends!   I honestly did not take a single picture.....  Luckily Tiffany snapped a few and I stole these off of facebook!  We had a few drinks and a bunch of food and a ton of laughs.  
We were playing a game called Heads Up in these pics.  a crazy fun game. If you're getting together with a bunch of friends, you should play it.  We got a little loud over here.. but we had a good time!

After everyone left, Jennifer, Bethany, Vanessa and I stayed up late watching Pitch Perfect. and then I slept late yesterday... til 7:00 am!!  (thats very late for me.. lol!)
And I did nothing all day long...  It was rainy and cool out and I was a lazy bum!  I spent most of my time here on my porch on my nook going back and forth between reading and messing around on line!

Today Ive got to go out for a bit.  I need a few groceries and I may take a trip to joanns or micheals.  I wish all the halloween crafting supplies were out already, they werent as of the other day.   Im ready to play!  Oh.. I did make something for halloween yesterday and I took a bunch of pictures of the process, which I will be using for an upcoming tutorial that I promised!  I may do another something else today, if I have all the supplies I need.  
So thats pretty much how my last week went.  Im off again tomorrow and have no plans yet.  I think it might be too cool to go to the beach.. other wise I'd camp out there for the day.  we'll see though... 
have a great day my bloggy friends!!  Im off to have some breakfast!  


  1. Busy, busy, Vivian! It sounds like a good busy though. Glad you got a day to yourself. It is always great to be around the grands, I know, but sometimes you just need some time to yourself.

    I have started on Halloween stuff! : ) Hobby Lobby has had some things but remember I told you I ordered from Alpha Stamps? Well, I did an altered altoid tin that I hope to get some pictures of and share soon. It is early for me to be doing Halloween, but that's what my mind was craving so that's what I did! Who am I to question which way the creativity wants to flow ~ I'm just glad it's there!

  2. Viv, That sure was a fun get together. I know what you are saying about's is feeling that way here also. I love your cozy porch. Looks like a perfect place to just read and relax. Blessings for a sweet Sunday, xoxo,Susie

  3. Your posts feel like phone calls from a dear friend.

  4. Oh, the beach, girlfriend time and porch time...sounds great to me! I think you should do a Halloween swap too!

  5. Our Michaels and crafts stores are already stocking Halloween. So excited. Sounds like a great time with the babies and your friends. I have played Heads Up! So fun! Enjoy your day off tomorrow. Maybe just hang out and do whatever you please! Maggie

  6. Just found your blog and so happy I did! Your grands are adorable. Looks like a party I'd love to attend! It's like "therapy" to get together with friends. If I had that porch, I doubt I'd leave it for more than 15 min at a time. :)

    So glad to meet you!

  7. I'm so glad you are able to stretch out your summer work schedule. You deserve play time. I am soaking up cottage time and will be heading home in a few hours. I definitely have Halloween crafting on the brain.

  8. Your porch looks like a wonderful spot to spend some time. It so pretty! I'm hoping we get more beach time too, but the weather is so cool. Have a great week!

  9. Hey Viv!
    I just have to say have the ideal spot to read! That photo of that swing....O.M.G.
    It sounds like you are having a great summer....and I am glad to hear you are having a day once in awhile where nothing is done, but relaxing....:)

  10. Love your porch, Vivian! It looks so comfy and cosy, esp. with a cat sitting there posing for the camera! Looks like one of your conchs made it into the photo too :)

    We've had plenty of rain, but still HOT here! I think Summer is waning, though, since It's getting dark earlier and staying dark longer in the morning. Reminds me of my years of going to work in the dark & coming home in the dark!

    Hope you get another beach day soon!

  11. I wish we had rainy and cool. 90 today and tomorrow and sooo tired of it. Ready for some fall weather....

  12. Oh what a fun time you guys had! I can hear the laughter from Georgia:) Enjoy tomorrow whatever you do! I know you will! HUGS!

  13. Hi Viv, glad you got some time at the beach! Your porch looks so cozy, I'm afraid I would never want to leave there!! I made my fake cupcakes with your tutorial, thank you so much. They turned out pretty cute, I put a pic of them on my blog. Thanks for sharing,

  14. Aww, so fun! Your friends look like a fun group! And I love Pitch Perfect! :)

  15. It's such fun to visit your fun posts, but it makes me wish I was your neighbor and I could pop over and visit you on your sweet porch! But, I can't have any peach cobbler unless I cheat my low-carb diet! Aaaaaaach! Looks so good!

  16. I really liked the pictures of your porch!

  17. I'm so behind reading some post, but glad I didn't miss yours. Great photos of girl fun! :)

  18. Glad you had some time to recharge and some fun time with friends, sounds wonderful!

    Haha love the support group - how great to work with people that make you smile.

    Your porch is darling! Wish I had one so much ...

    Happy weekend!
