Tuesday, September 2, 2014

whats the buzz?

uhg!  We dont really use our upstairs except for storage and I have kicked around the idea of putting my craft room up there, so I only go up there once a week or so.  I was just up there a week ago and there was nothing there, then I went up on sunday late afternoon and discovered freaken bees....
lots of them.  and lots of them dead on the floor in front of the window.  At first I couldnt tell what they were and was horrified because I thought it was rat droppings and was panicked at the thought of that!  Then upon closer inspection...  freaken bees.  I had gone up there bare foot and figgy and frannie had followed me up there so I had to quickly grab them and get out of there. thankfully I did not get stung.  
so with yesterday being a holiday and having the kids over,   we didnt really have time to investigate too closely, but I did figure out where they are going in and I could see, from outside, a dozen or so between the curtain and the window.  Not thrilled to say the least.  Tonys allergic to them, so is robert.  and I HATE them. 
so this morning I will make two phone calls one to an exterminator and one to a bee keeper and who ever can get rid of them fastest and cheapest and forever is the winner...  NOt thrilled that Im going to have to spend money on this.   Im going to Ohio to the country living fair in two weeks and had saved some money for that... guess what Im going to have to use to get rid of the freaken bees.. 
But, I need to get upstairs to my halloween bins!  Its almost time to get them out.. and this is going to keep me from going up there again.   Im not going up there until someone tells me they are totally dead or gone.
I know that the bee population is an issue for us all right now.. and I dont want to kill them.. (well, honestly I DO want to kill them..)  so I will check into a beekeeper.  thats all I can say.  I will check into it. no promises for anything further then that. 

Okeedokie...  thats all folks... Im out of here.


  1. I hope you can get rid of them - hopefully alive:) and it doesn't cost too much! Have a great week!

  2. Oh my! I hope you can get rid of them and still make your trip! I wish I had an extra room to be creative in! Happy Tuesday!

  3. I hope you can easily and cheaply get rid of those things. Scary, especially with family allergic to them. Yikes!

  4. Dang bees! I hope you can still take your trip. How unfair of those little buggers. Let us know the outcome.

    Have a great week!

  5. Yikes! I just read about a lady who found a huge wasp nest on the bed of her spare room...it was ginormous! And super creepy!

  6. Oh, know that is not fun at all! Hope they are gone soon and it's cheap! Enjoy the week!! xo Heather

  7. What a nuisance! In Colorado you can move bees but you can't kill them. Our "bees" turned out to be yellow jackets, however, and it is legal to kill them, and kill them we did!

  8. Oh no! I hope you get them out of there quick! I actually got stung two days ago on my elbow just being outside! Darn bees! I think it was a yellow jacket that got me. Enjoy your week! Hugs, Holly

  9. Hoping it works out for you! Be safe!

  10. Im not afraid of bees. If I lived closer I would come get those Halloween bins out for you. Hope they buzzzzz off soon!

  11. Oh, no! But your bee is adorable!

  12. I agree, I HATE BEES too!!! I hope you can get rid of them cheaply!!! The bee keeper may not charge much or anything at all because they have to pay when they buy a hive. I hope you have a good week, they come and get the bees, and you can get to your Halloween bins.

  13. We had an infestation of bees on our birdhouse. We called the bee keeper and he took the whole bird house. He did it in minutes. Wasn't cheap tho. Love your blog.

  14. YIKES! ACK! Bees in the house! They scare me - and my dad was allergic to them, so I always wonder if I'd be now, in my old age???

    Hoping you can get one of those bee saver people soon or whatever you have to do. (We had a hive and bees in our tree removed, I don't think it cost very much? But then it's been a while.)

    Fingers crossed you're able to go to the Country Living Fair!
