Tuesday, November 11, 2014

home today.. thanksgiving planning...

 oh that darn condition I have..   "Hyperdecorphilia"!  Im forever grateful to my cousin Paul for diagnosing me.   At least I know whats wrong with me! lol!    Really I only have one bin of decorations for thanksgiving.  this is just some.  most of these are in the living room except for one towards the bottom which is over the kitchen sink.  
 Anyways.. I have thanksgiving on the brain.  as it happens with every holiday, birthday ,  day.. you know me.. every freaking thing becomes a big event! LOL!  I wish I was joking.  Well, maybe its not really a bad thing.  I just try to make everything a little more fun.  right?  I just get that old obsessive thinking going on and then everything takes steps towards over the top!  
 So as it is with Thanksgiving..   Im flipping back and forth between keeping it simple..   or going all out..   Im not sure I know how to keep it simple.   What does that even look like?   I have visions of   macys thanksgiving day parade in the morning, with the lovely smell of turkey roasting wafting through the house.  Tables beautifully set up with cute little turkey napkin ring and cute little place cards.  Glasses of wine,  great appetizers and everything you could possibly want for dinner and then all kinds of pies.  Followed with fun family time, maybe a little game playing...   little grand kids dressed in their cutest little outfits.   
 Doesnt that all sound great?  but it does require a lot of work to pull off..   its just not a simple task.  Well you all know that.     so what would simple look like?  cooking all the food and putting it out on the counter and letting everyone get a plate and plop somewhere to eat it?  Just the regular old turkey and stuffing and stuff.. nothing above and beyond?    no special appetizers.. no extra goodies..?     no table decorations?  hmmm..   I dont think I can do it.   I think I have to go a little overboard.  
 After all its all for the people I love most in this world and I like to make everything a little extra special for them.   I do think that last year I said.. lets just go out to eat next year!  lol...   that is not something I would even consider doing ...  but Im thinking about the time Im trying to clean up after thanksgiving dinner this year, that those words will probably come out of my mouth again! LOL!

So today is Veterans day.  and I am sooo grateful for them.  the freedoms we have here are amazing.  I cant imagine life any other way.  we are blessed!
And because its Veterans day, I have today off.  And, I am fighting the urge to go running around shopping and looking at stuff I dont need.    What I need to do is stay home and work on bears.  I have 8 bear orders totally another 24 bears to get done.  Plus 18 start ornaments..   I really want to have everything done by the end of the month.  it is possible..   it I would stay home and off the computer.. and stay focused!    ha! but here I sit ..
but not for long..
I will stay home today.. I will stay home today..  I will stay home today.... yes I will yes I will yes I will!
well, but i do have to go to the store to get some italian sausage to put in the spagetti that Im going to make for dinner.. 
Okeedokie girls.. Im outta here for now!
have a great day!
oh..   heres a few pics of this weekends birthday boys and girl!
Violet turned 1
Carson turned 15!
And my youngest, little robby roni, turned 26!
amazing, I had my last baby 26 years ago!
happy day everyone!


  1. Happy Birthday to all the "babies"-big and small.

    I'm like you- I make an event out of everything and wonder if I do it for them or myself. lol I am already planning it all out in my head, too, Viv. It's a sickness with us, you know!?!

    I only have one BIG bin of Thanksgiving stuff too-not bad for me! ... and not bad for you either.... xo Diana

  2. Your posts are always so loving and sweet! Your family is blessed!

  3. Sweet photos, and such a sweet family! Happy Birthday to everyone! :) xo Holly

  4. Viv, please go over board! If you didn't, I would be worried! I love looking at all your inspiring decorations and crafts, etc!

  5. I tend to get so tied up in the Thanksgiving meal that I fail to enjoy the troops while they are here! I want their memories to be more than Grandma running around the house like a turkey with her head cut off! (And our house I so small that I feel I have to tidy up constantly just so we can find each other.)

  6. Happy days to all your loves. Have a great day. I will be cleaning once again for a showing. Third time for this person. First one was a no show. Keep your fingers crossed.

  7. Overboard! Overboard! I vote for Overboard! It's a holiday--that's what makes it "special" so fussing is necessary or else they would just call it THURSDAY :) pie, pie, pie

  8. Just love all your decorations. Man, the kids are alll so cute, no matter what the age. Can't wait to get home and add my new pilgrim gurley candles to my display. :)

    I'm in agreement with you, even though it is so much work, Thanksgiving Day and the meal should be special. Can't wait!

  9. I hope you had a productive day at home working on bears and enjoying some time crafting just for "yourself". Have fun loving up those grands and celebrating!

  10. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving Day to me. All of your decorations are so cute, love the turkeys. Looks like you are all set.
    Happy Birthday to all those pretty babies!

  11. Just decorate it all up:) You know that's what you want to do! AND enjoy every single minute of it! CUTE pictures! Have a fun evening, HUGS!

  12. Hiya swap partner. I'm starting to plot and plan and wanted to get an idea of what you like and what you'd absolutely hate. I like pretty much everything -rustic,pink and shabby chic,retro, vintage, kitchy...you name it. I will just mention that I am allergic to nuts.
    Talk soon!

  13. You are a busy lady, Vivian! All in a good way, too. : ) I love your Thanksgiving decorations. I have mine kind of all in one area, too, but our condo is open plan so you can see it from just about everywhere. Not sure what I'm going to do for Christmas this year though.
