Sunday, January 18, 2015

crafting ... with help...

 Finally Im getting a little bit of time to do some Valentine crafting this morning.  I have a little bit of help..  Arent they stinking precious?   I seem to be in a fog...   not for a lack of inspiration.. but maybe from too much.  I dont know where to start or what to make!  so I just started cutting stuff up.. and we'll see what comes out of it all.

 I went shopping yesterday for craft supplies and really I didnt find anything that got me excited!  that sucks..  so I bought no craft supplies. I did pick up enough other unneeded stuff though! lol!   and some needed goodies to tuck into my package for my valentine swap partner! 

I really need a trip to Buffalo stamps.  they always have the best papers and supplies. but I cant just make a quick run there. It takes half a day to go up there and back  I live in the middle of nowhere..  an hour from rochester, and hour from Buffalo.   but.. I am feeling the pull to go!  maybe tomorrow.  

 Today we have a birthday party to go to for our beautiful red head, Ella.   But not til 2:00, so I have lots of time to play before then.   If I could just stay focused on one thing...    Im feeling so scattered lately.. or, maybe thats nothing new.   lol!  I am a scattered brained person..  I do think its getting worse though.   

OK.. back to the craft table, otherwise, I need to do lastnights dinner dishes..  (I had ice cream, he had sandwhiches.. so theres not really many dishes.)  
have a great sunday and hopefully you have tomorrow off too!  I do! 


  1. I often realize that when I feel I have no creativity going on, Vivian, that it is not a lack of ideas but way too many that my brain is overwhelmed with where to start! : ) I am trying to slow down and actually write down the things I want to make. I'm hoping this won't make me feel so "rushed" to get to them.

    I wish we had a store like the stamp store you are talking about it. I'd really love to take a class or two as I'm really just getting into crafting with paper and feel like I have questions and want to learn tips and techniques. I did look up one place, but I have a feeling they are not open anymore and there is no website.

  2. Love your sweet furbabies. I'm sure they will enjoy having their Momma home with them on Monday. Have fun crafting away and celebrating another special grands's birthday. Enjoy today and tomorrow!

  3. Well at least you are getting started:) Not me, that day will sneak up on me! Enjoy your day and the party:) HUGS

  4. Viv-
    Every time I see a picture of your cats I feel like I want to get one too! Our dogs wouldn't be happy about that. Well, they would be TOO happy about that, and not leave a cat alone. So I just can't. Booo!
    I love that you had ice cream for dinner! I had 2 glasses of white wine and a bag of chocolate covered potato chips! So no clean up for me either! Ha!
    Erica :)

  5. Viv, Your cats are so pretty. I know you love their help. LOL. Nice that you can craft some lovely valentine things. Blessings to you for a great week. xoxo,Susie

  6. Love those furry kids. I do alot of things with the help of my three cats whether I want their help or not! Have a great day tomorrow! Maggie

  7. I am sure you will make the cutest somethings ever! I'm starting my decorating and swap things tomorrow. I have no idea what I will make, either, but I have IDEAS, so I know what you mean. I brought my bins of decorations and past swaps in today. Gosh, we all make the cutest stuff!

  8. I got my small box of Valentine decorations out, so I'm hoping decorating my shelf will inspire me to finish crafting for the swap.

    Your furry crafting buddies are so beautiful. Enjoy your day off! :)

  9. Yes your "Catties" are precious! Been valentine playing too with fabric though.

  10. I wouldn't get anything done with those two beauties around. I'd be cuddling them both! I love-love-love kitties... I've got seven!

  11. Hi Viv,
    Thanks or stopping by. Your
    little kitties are darling. I love the pics you took of them playing with your craft supplies.
    The twins are growing like weeds and doing great. I'll include a picture next Post.
    Take care,

  12. Your Kitty Kats are just too precious! Love them!!!
