Sunday, April 19, 2015

Hello sunday morning

 Good morning!   thankfully, I have the whole day before me, basically unplanned.   starting out with lots of tea and I had a great big peanut donut...  I was going to have oatmeal.. but something happened....  and suddenly there was a donut right there.. beside my teacup..   and how could I ignore that sweet little thing.. just begging to share itself with me.  LOL!  
so really no set plans for today.  I have a LOT of bears to work on  and I bought this coloring book.. have you seen these?  a lot of our artsy fartsy on line friends have been buying them.  I saw this at Michaels and couldnt pass it up.  and Ive only worked on this back page so far.. but it is addictive and fun..   Remember how we liked to color when we were kids?   this is way better!  lol!  Im going to pick up some gel pens today too. Ive been using some fine tipped markers and colored pencils so far.    and my pencil sharpener broke.. so I'll need to pick up one of those today too.
(Some of those flowers look like pot leaves!  not that I know from experience or anything! LOL!  and if I did know, I certainly wouldnt admit that here! )
Hmmm.. I guess it sounds like Im going shopping at some point.   maybe just to walmart.   Anything else takes up the day.. an hour ride to rochester or buffalo.   I also thought about digging the rake out and doing some raking around the house.  but..  Tony said he saw a big snake by my fairy garden yesterday..  Really?   You want to know whats funny about that?  Yesterday morning Bethany and I were at the salon, me getting my hair cut and her getting a pedicure.  and we had everyone there talking about snakes and worms..  lol!    And I had just said that Ive only seen them in our yard a few times in the 30 years we've lived here.   Bethany is terrified or them.  they dont usually bother me.   But I dont like to be startled by them.  
 Also thinking about cooking out this afternoon.. what sounds good?  Maybe I should invite the kids over for hotdogs and hamburgers.   hmmm..   gotta think on this.    but for how.. I really need to get dressed and clean up the house a bit then I guess I shall run to the store!   
(♪♫do you know the mushroom man?)
Have a Happy Springy Day!


  1. Viv - you are so awesome! You put a smile on my face and have motivated me to get off this computer and go get a few things done. Have a great Sunday!

  2. I had to read your comment about the leaves to my husband. We both had a laugh! Have a good day! And get a picture of the snake if you see him!

  3. You must wake up happy! Love to read what you are up to! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Funny how you would be startled by a snake coming out in your garden but you're okay at finding a donut suddenly on your breakfast plate, Vivian! ; )

    Glad to hear you've got a "free" day to do what you want. Today should be like that for me although I think I'm going to have to go look at couches and/or chairs to replace the small sectional that my husband complains hurts his back. I really don't want it to be an all day thing, because I thought I might just be able to get to those things I've put off during the week and do them at a leisurely pace today. Fingers crossed for me!

  5. Better get out there, Girl! Time's a-wastin'!

  6. Oh gosh, snakes! I'm terrified of snakes!!
    Have a wonderful Sunday, enjoy your "free" day!

  7. Have fun with your free day however it's starting to sound full. I think I need a coloring book too!

  8. Catching up's evening now, so hope you enjoyed your day! I really want one of those coloring books after seeing yours. What fun, and looks like a great stress reliever too. I agree with you on those leaves, but like you, how would I know? Lol. :)

  9. Sunday fun day! I love when there is no set plan and you just get to have fun!

  10. Funny how a donut can just suddenly appear by your cup!Sounds yummy! Hope you had a lovely day, with or without the cookout! Cute coloring book! Happy Springtime!

  11. Sounds like a Sunday fun day!! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!! Love grilling out on the grill in the spring and summer!...its the best! :) Happy new week! xo Holly

  12. Love your colorful dishes and coloring book. Now that looks like fun. I'll have to check it out.
    We have a lot of snakes here and they are BIG. They always scare me as they seem to sneak up on me when I'm gardening.
