Thursday, November 12, 2015

busy busy busy!

Good Morning bloggy pals!  I had yesterday off for Veterans day and was busy from 4:15 am til I dropped onto the couch at about 9:00 last night.  I managed to pack up Halloween in the morning.. then I went on a secret mission with ALL my pies Torry, Marla, Violet, Lilly, Scarlet, Ella and Carson and my daughter Jen (the only other one who knew what my plan was.)   when the secret part was finished,  I took them all out to lunch, minus the babies, we dropped them off at their homes first.  wish I had had my camera with me.  They were all so so good.  not a single behavior issue.  We did have one unfortunate incident, when precious little violet fell in the grass and cut her face on something.  nasty little cut, right near her eye..   broke my heart!  I felt horrible returning her to her mom injured...   The kids were having so much fun running around and playing and then boom!  she was down.
After all that, I came home and dragged the thanksgiving bins down (only two).   and then it took me the rest of the day and evening to put everything out and to clean up.   We ended up ordering pizza and wings because I was lazy and tired.  

and now.. I must get back to work on my memory bears!  Ive pretty much been a bear making machine.  Here are a couple pics of two of the orders I just completed.  there was a an order of 6 that I just finished also, but I delivered those with out taking pics first. 

I seriously still have about another 30 bears to make, as well as a few other odds and ends orders.    all good.. my plan is still to have them all done by the end of the month.  fingers crossed!
and so now..
I need to get ready for work.  kind of have a nasty little headache this morning.. hoping another cup of tea and some tylenol will end that.  
Have a great day!!!
OHHH!!  PS!!
update on the gender reveal party!  
another princess!!  


  1. Yup, That's what I did Tuesday. Packed up Halloween and Day of the Dead and out came the Turkeys and Pilgrims....and Indians. I love Indians and Buffalo. Now, to get further cleaning underway now that the doors and windows are closed and the dust for the most part is outside. Blowing in the wind as they say and wind gusts all day long up to 40 MPH!!
    xx, Carol

  2. Viv, I knew you would be sewing . I had begun to wonder if your sewing machine had caught fire from how fast you must be sewing. LOL. I will say you have made some beautiful bears. I have a memory bear, my daughters and I have one each.They mean something to us. You are a blessing, xoxo,Susie

  3. Congrats on another princess:) FUN ahead for that little girlie-pie! THOSE bears are SO cute! You are one talented lady! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. You are one energetic women! I don't know how you do it:) The bears are so cute and so well put together. But I guess you have some practice. LOL! Have a great day!

  5. I tell my kids not to worry too much about the cuts and bruises the little ones acquire when they are with me. Yes, I allow them to roller skate in the kitchen, but that's my prerogative as their grandmamma. My record is not entirely clean, as I have had to take one of them to the emergency room. Just one, mind you, and she was fine in about a week. Party on, Grandma.

  6. You have been a busy girl. I am so sorry your little sweetie pie fell and cut her face. It does make you feel just awful when something happens when they are in your care...been there and I know.
    Hope you are not overdoing it---but I am sure you are. Have a great day, Viv! xo Diana

  7. Congratulations on adding another future princess to your sweet little family. You are one busy busy lady with those bear orders. You can do it!!

  8. Sounds like a full day and then some. Poor baby to Violet. Those So-close-to-being- Worse moments just stop our breath don't they? Cheers to you. Hope your headache went away and those bears start replicating in the closet or something!

  9. YEAH, another PRINCESS:) Enjoy today dear friend, Happy Thanksgiving HUGS coming your way!

  10. Hope all is well friend, Looking forward to your Christmas-y décor and posts.
