Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I have to go out of town for a few days. A work conference on drugs/ families/ social services and family court... It hopefully will be interesting.. I'll have my own hotel room so that will be nice.. unfortunelty I dont have a lap top.. so i will have to go through a bit of computer withdrawal! I'll be back on Thursday night..
so till then, let me leave you with this fun Halloween song!


  1. HI Viv! I got tagged by Deb Berrypatchdesigns who was tagged by Debb Gathering Place. I followed the links backward to you. I love the song!
    Here's one even older(a lot older).

  2. Have a great trip...we are actually heading to orlando tonite something about a mouse...and a whole bunch of princess'...we will be gone til next wednesday...but we will have the laptop along so i won't be suffering withdrawal...i have tagged you for a different award...on my blog...


  3. Hi, chiming in from Texas!
    Cute blog!
    Sandra Evertson
