Monday, October 1, 2007

princess birthday hat 1

princess birthday hat 1
Originally uploaded by vivianneroni
I usually make myself a birthday present every year. Usually its a tiny teddy bear or a doll or some sort of halloweenie.., but this year its a birthday hat. I took several pictures of it and cant seem to get a good picture.. the paper its made out of is gorgeous.. I've been saving it for just the right thing.. well this is hte outcome. I have a bear that will be the lucky hat wearer! I thought of Oldflowersforme on flickr when I put the hat on the bear and had a conversation with him! so silly.. arent we ? (yeah my family thinks its not silly , its nuts.. oh well!
anyways.. thats all for today!

I wanna wear your hat mama!


  1. Hi Viv,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and entering my contest for the Victorian Gift Tag.

    You might want to add some of your photos to Flickr. You meet tons and tons of people that way. They come to your blog/website to get to know you better.

    Take care, Cath

  2. What an Adorable Princess hat!! Love it, the colors are great too! :)
