Friday, October 12, 2007

serendipity atc swap

serendipity swap atc's recieved
ATC's from the serenditpity ATC swap. recieved yesterday!Arent they wonderful! ?
I am in awe of the internet.. when I think about all the people around the world that are able to communicate and share artwork and stories and just their wonderful daily lives in general.. It amazes me! Youve heard people call the internet "a window into the world" ? It really is that. It's so awesome to keep in touch with so many talented creative awesome women all around the globe! I love it! It is however a little addictive. If there is a down side, I guess that is it. I sometimes find myself glued to the computer for longer then I should allow myself! oH well..
I suppose on that note, I need to go iron my clothes for work and get a move on out of here.. I would say "thank god its friday", but I'm on call again this weekend.. and I'm afraid its going to be busy!
have a wonderful day !


  1. Hey Viv! Yes, thank God it Is Friday! Wasn't that serendipity swap fun?
    Well, just wanted you to know you've been tagged! To see what in the world that means go to
    Smiles, Annie

  2. you swap atcs look wonderful indeed! and oh yes, this blogging is quite addictive...i have had to recently impose limits on totally un~fun chores were piling up...
