Thursday, February 28, 2008

HEre I am.. did ya miss me? I had that darn flu sooo bad! I'm still not really over it.. but I did go back to work today.. oh well.. I wish I could just stay home and create! though I do have to say, I had all those days home sick. and up til yesterday really didnt have the energy to create anything!! However yesterday I got an idea.. and these pictures are the first part of that idea! stay tuned for the rest this weekend... I think I'll be able to finish it then.

Its been a busy week at the post office! I mailed out a lot of packages, finished up all my swaps except the easter basket swap and got everything mailed!! YAY!!! Still plenty of time to finish up that easter basket one though.
The post office was busy in both directions! Because I recieved quite a few packages myself. Today I recieved this adorable easter ornament from the Beautiful Jenn at sweet eye candy creations! We did a little one to one swap! Lucky me! thank you so much Jenn!!
Then yesterday I recieved this adorable nest in the mail from the fabulous Gina of lilys of london! double luck for me.. isnt it adorable? I stuck in in this great little glass house! (I cant spell terrarium.... oh my!!!) anyways.. sweet huh? the precious results of another little one to one easter swap! thank you so much Gina !
So If that wasnt enough, heres one I didnt bargain for! These precious precious little girls came to me from a PRecious friend Barbara at 123 lavender lollipop lane! I have to tell you that Barb is one of the first girls I got to know in blog land.. through a halloween swap! And you need to know that she is a real DOLL!!! She emailed me to tell me she had gotten like 8 of these little dolls at a flea market for an unbelievable amount.. I told her what a great deal she got and how lucky she was, and next thing I know these two little girls arrived in the mail!!! I'm naming them barb and viv! Any ways !!! thank you BArb! Your awesome!OK ! now onto business! first of all. I need to give that sparkle award to a few more girls!! I want to give this to Julie at sassafras and lulu Julie is an uplifting and sweet spirit! You can tell that she cares a lot about others!
I also send this off to Lori at faeriewindow Lori is another of the first girls I got to know a little here in blogland. she is also very encouraging and is faithful to check in often! she is also on my idol list!! she is sooo artistic! I have a goal to purchase something this year from a bunch of my idols!!!

Ok next order of business.. (hey, I was PTA president for 3 years.. can you hear is in my tone? "OK next order of business"?) Ha!!
The Doll Swap!!! Wow girls this is it.. the last night... tomorrow they should be going into the mail. If they arent for some reason just let your partner know. It really isnt a big deal if they get held up for the weekend.. I mailed mine out this week! nervous here!! so many people told me they were nervous and hoped there partner liked what they made. I dont know why we're like that.. we're just silly I guess.. but I have felt the same way!!! I have recieved a bunch of pictures.. but there are 27 of us, and I think I've only seen 7 or 8 dolls! so there are lots more to be seen!! Thank you all so much for being part of this swap! dont disappear on me yet ok? I want to follow this through all the way to the end and need to hear from each of you when you recieve your dolls!
I want to post pictures towards the end of the week. Gosh I hope I can control myself that long! Thank you again girls! I love doing these swaps!

well, I guess I should get this posted.. need to get some pjs and some ice cream! toodles for now!!


  1. my goodness, i do hope you are feeling better! i wanted to say thank you so much for stopping by and saying something to my mom - it means the world to me that you did that - really, thank you. and then, i wanted to let you know that my lovely doll arrived today. she is just precious! i love her! and i have to say, i love her with her hat on! the first thing my son said, was, "i like her hat" - lol! i'll be blogging her darlingness tomorrow. feel better, sweet pea!
    xoxo kEcIa

  2. hee hee..barb and this may have tones of lucy and happy you like them! don't ya just love suprizes!!!!! he hee...and the day i sent them out i had come home to find the snowtwinkle snowperson in a package from YOU!!! soooo sweet!!! i had to giggle though that i had just sent the package and here was one from you!!!



  3. It's always sooo much fun to check out your blog. There's always a giggle or two!! Love the bunny in the egg and the two girlfriends! Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

  4. Wow!! very cute things. Thanks for putting this swap together. I also wante to let you know that I tagged you. Visit my blog for more information. Smiles, Elaine

  5. Viv, thank you SO much for the award:) you made my day!!! i love your swap gifts, the ornament from Jenn is darling and the bird is SO adorable {i love those curly feathered birds)...and how SWEET of Barbara to send you those dollies:)

    i really can't wait to see all of the dolls from the swap you hosted!!!

  6. i hope you are ALL better soon, that flu is such a bugger this year:(

  7. Oh get well soon Viv!
    hoganfe handbags

  8. Vivian,
    Sorry you've been sooo yucky sick! My hubby had the flu now. :(
    Thank you sooo much for our little swap. Im soo thrilled that you love your Easter ornament. I also ADORE your birdie nest from Miss Ginny. I just LOVE her work!!!
    HOpe your feeling better!!!! XO
