Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines day!

AWWWW Look at the love birds!! This cutie pie is my VALENTINE!!!

And he was my valentine in 1976!!
and still my valentine in 1981!

and hes still the one!


  1. how SWEET Viv!!! i hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day with your sweetheart!!!

  2. I found you! THANK YOU for all the wonderful heart items, I love them all! It will be sad to take them off my little wire tree?

  3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...sooo sweet!!!


  4. Awwwwwwwww! I hope you two had a lovely Valentine's Day!

  5. Love it! Happy Belated Valentines blessings!

    kari & kijsa

  6. aaahh you guys are darling!!!
    hope you had a great valentines day!

  7. Gotta love a cutie!!!! Happy valentine's to you both! Hugs, Terri

  8. Hi Viv!!! Love your banner, so Sweeet! Aw, love the photos of you Sweethearts, so Adorable!!
    I've been with Doug {since I was 14} and he gets better each year!! We've been married almost 16 years, but together 22 years now :)

  9. Linked to you from another blog cuz I liked your name. I don't meet many other people who have had the same valentine since 1976! AND I volunteer teaching art to incarserated boys in AZ! Art in our hearts sure does bring out the similarities!!! YOU GO GIRL !

  10. that is ADORABLE! happy valentines day to you both!

  11. you make the cutest couple I love that he never shaved after all these years hee hee. What a sweet post !! Sounds like you had a lovely day !! Hugs Mica

  12. Hi Viv!! Love this post!!! I'm so happy to see that there's alot of people out there that stick it out thrut the good and the bad!! You guys are an adorable couple!! I've been with my sweetie for over 20 years now and am so glad that we are still inlove!
    Hope you are feeling better!! and I know with me, even if I'm sick I can usually manage to get a little house playing in!! hehehe!
    hugs! ~~*~*~* Madai

  13. P.S. added your fun blog to my fave places to visit at Wren Cottage!! :)

  14. ALRIGHTY....Im sorry it took a picture of a biker & his sweetheart to pull me out of lurking on your blog for months now living up to my name "Scaredy Kat" to introduce myself and tell you how much I adore your blog.
    I have to tell you what a chuckle I had w/ your big biker hubby surounded by all your sweet, girlee, very pretty in pink rose themed wall paper!
    Im also a doll maker,in social services, married to big "Sober Biker" who sports skull caps, not cuz hes so adoreable in them but cuz hes a welder/fabricator & it actually protects his long locks!
    Anyway, my name is Kat & would be honored if you peeked in on my blog. Have a blessed day Viv... Kat.
