Wednesday, March 12, 2008

a few more dolls and other treats

(little edit here.. added another doll may not have seen yet!)

Hello Girls.. Its been a busy week.. I've been on call at work and put in quite a few over time hours in over the weekend. but I did have some time to play regardless! I finished my little lamb this weekend. I made her to lead my little easter parade train!

I've been recieving more pictures of dolls from the doll swap! This doll below was made by Sheila! Sheila has no blog.. so unfortunetly I dont know her! But you can see she did an awesome job on her precious little doll! I'm quite partial to raggedys, so this baby doll sings to me!!! This doll went to the lucky Sherrie!

And this one is the one that lucky Sherrie made for lucky Sheila! Dont'cha just love her! Great Job girls!

This next set of dolls, was the sweet result of the swap between Lucy and Cheryl! Lucy made lovely lizzy the lizard, and cheryl made the sweet and sassy faerie bear! Check out their blogs! On Lucys blog you will also see the wonderful vintage apron that Cheryl sent with her bear!

This sweet bunny was made by one of my favorite artists out here in blog land.. Elaine . The precious bunny went to Debra another of my favorite artists! I have not seen what Deb made yet.
oops! I'm back with another doll! And isnt she awesome! This doll was made by Sammy and sent to Kecia! Im so impressed with all these dolls and all the creative talent girls!! I wish I could hold them all and look at them more closely! thanks girls! there are a few more out there that we havent seen though. Im soo hoping the girls will send me pictures!

... Speaking of my blog friend Debra, we had done a little swap of our own for valentines day. I recieved her package this week! She spoiled me with the cutest darn things! Thank you so much Deb!

I love my precious valentine and the awesome bunny!!!!!!! as well as all the sweet pictures!! ARent they wonderful!

IN this last picture, look at the sweet little chickie basket!! This I purchased from Dale at seadream studios! Ive actually purchases a few items from her! she makes such cute things!
OK.. enough pictures for now! a while back Elaine tagged me to do this and I noticed last night that Jenny tagged me for the same thing! so finally I am going to do it!

Heres the rules!

1.Link to the person that tagged you. 2. Post the rules on your blog. 3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. 4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. 5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1) I have toooo many bears and they overwhelm me.. I occasionally pack a bunch up and put them away.. I have wittled it down quite a bit.. but they are still overbearing to me sometimes!! (HA! overbearing!) used to be if there was a bare spot in my house it became a bear spot.. Ha! I do have to say that I've become much much more selective about the bears I keep now!

2) I would spend everyday on the beach, or creating , umm.. and lets throw in treasure hunting and decorating the house if I could. and lets just cut work right out as long as were wishful thinking here!

3) I love to go out for breakfast more then dinner! but I want everything so its really hard to order!

4) I blew the transmission in my car this week!!!!! and my son had an accident and rolled his truck the same day.... (he didnt get hurt thank god!) ruined the truck though.

5) I am a procrastinator.. and I work better under a little pressure.

6) I love banana splits! and.. if I have one for a meal, I can eat the whole thing!

so... now who should I tag? hang on.. I'll be back!

sorry girls hope you dont mind!!

Ok.. well, there should still be a few more doll pics to post, if I get pics of them i will post them!

For now, I have to go finish up those two bears for the lady that lost her daughter. I want to get them to her by friday. One is done.. the other is almost done.. I'll take their picture when they're both finished!
Ta Ta for now!


  1. Love,love your blog! Your dollie pics are grand.Glad your son is o-kay.Can always replace a truck. Geting a horse would be cheaper than paying for gas.....$3.16.

  2. Viv, i am just loving all the dolls from your swap:) and your goodie from Dale is so very sweet!!!

  3. hey viv!
    all the dolls are amazing!
    love them
    thanks for the tag. i have done it twice this year, but im sure i could come up with a few more quirky things about me.

  4. In celebration of my Birthday I am hosting a Giveaway!! go sign up before tomorrow!!


  5. Viv , ggod to hear from you -- doing better here -- Ilove your dolly swap pics -- too cute -- Ido not make dollies but i collected many several years ago -- I will have to post them , they are too cute -- and Raggidies were my fav -- all homemade by great artisans -- Kathy -GA

  6. Wow-Viv-I wish I had sewing skils-all these dolls are great! I love the lizard! And I love Elaine's-I get to meet her soon. Since I just got tagged and answered 2/25, I'm going to "cheat" and leave a link to that, because people will get sick of reading about my peculiarities!
    It's in my post of 2-25-08:
    Happy creating! Love my chickie box-I show it to everyone!

  7. your little lamb is adorable. What a cute parade (so creative!)
