Wednesday, September 17, 2008

my new doll

She came today! heres a picture I snapped of her! she is a sweetie!
this is the letter she wrote to Gina while I took Jasper to the vets!
Dear Gina, I arrived safe and sound at Vivians today. she has been very nice to me. she made me this little bear to welcome me here with. She had to work all day, so I had to wait in the box all afternoon, but she was so excieted to see me when she got home! then she had to take jasper, to the vets,,, (they think he has cancer.. how sad!) but now they are both home again and we are relaxing together, her, jasper and I! No one else is home, so for dinner we're having Popcorn! She gave me my own little bowl full.. she said that later on for a SNACK we could have icecream! (I hope I dont get fat living here!) Anyways.. so far everything is good.. I dont know where I'm sleeping tonight.. I' hope not too far from Vivian, because I might be scared in this new place! Oh.. and vivian is going to a doll show on Saturday... she said that she would take me with her! Im so excieted! Shes said maybe we would find some new clothes for me there! Well, I better go now! we have to go to the store to buy some cat food!!love violet!
I just love her.. I dont know what I'm going to do with her.. (she has a big head... but Shhhhhh! I dont want to hurt her feelings!) She is so pretty though! We will have fun playing! I really am going to a doll show sat.. cant wait!! Im going to try to behave.. I'm been in a spending frenzy this past week or so... must stop now!! REALLY!!!
Well, I need to go check on my kitty... Yes, the Vet does think that he probably has some sort of cancer.. He said that even though he isnt finding anything obvious.. he thinks from experience with older cats with these type of symptoms it probably is. But.. Jasper is fine.. I dont think hes that sick.. I bet he'll live at least another year or more!! what does that silly vet know... !!
Well off I go.. I want to work on a project! See Ya's later!


  1. What a cute little popcorn bowl and bear to give to your new little friend!

    I'm sorry about Jasper. I hate when our fur babies grow old.

  2. Too sweet!!

    I am sorry to hear about Jasper...hugs to you both.

  3. I am so sorry about your sweet friend Jasper. I think you are right he will live much longer!!!

    I love your new friend so cute...m..

  4. I am so sorry about your sweet friend Jasper. I think you are right he will live much longer!!!

    I love your new friend so cute...m..

  5. VIV -- yes new things are calling out to me also -- went crafting and antiqueing yesterday and also to Good will this week -- what a haul !! will post later -- so crazy shopping forgot to buy a
    b-day gift for my friends daughter -- so now gotta go again - party is tonight -- Your things amazing -- Needle felting so cute -

    Blessings Kathy ♥

  6. I'm jealous that you have a Blythe doll. There are a lot of great clothes available for her. Search Blythe on etsy.
    Sorry to hear about Jasper! I had my dog Lexi at the vets this week too. She is on heart meds now. Why do they have to get old?

  7. Congrats again on being a new Blythe Mommy! Violet sounds like she's fitting in just fine:0) Have fun at the doll show and take lots of pix! I sure hope Kitty doesn't have cancer....sheesh!

    Sand xox
