Wednesday, October 22, 2008

morning kittens

"Can I come in please??"

Good morning Marmalade! are you waiting to come inside? But you look so cute there, I want to take your picture! stay right there.....

"Oh Great... hurry up! its only 29 degrees out here this morning.. in fact ... its snowing out!"

Look at you baby! your eyes are perfect big moon eyes.. so halloweenish.. and you fit right in with the girls and the halloween pillows! are you getting tired of getting your picture taken?? lets just take a couple more.. one of these should turn out PURRFECTLY!

"OH PA-LEASE!! just let me in for heavens sakes!!"
ok.. punkin.. you can come in now.. want your breakfast??
"ok..ok.. enough of the camera already!"

awww.. you little sleepy head! I love you!

And, Jasper what are you doing?? are you showing off so I'll take your picture too? awww.. I love you too!"hmmmmph!!


  1. brrr getting to be that kiknd of year@
    it is cold back here in new york as well.
    a few flakes yesterday but now is supposed to warm back up. back home it is warmer in the day time
    stay warm

  2. What adorable little kitties! Been getting cold here at night too!

  3. That's terrific!! What a little trooper to stay in the window and pose for you, and under such chilly conditions!
