Sunday, December 7, 2008

haha! more reindeer games!

found this vcry funny video this morning on cute overload.. cracked me up! thought youd get a kick out of it too!


  1. What a LAUGH!!! BTW, I love your reindeer decor. I don't have any reindeers in my decor so I'm going to have to look out for some.


  2. That was so cute! And sweet! Man, you are in a lot of swaps. I am enjoying not being busy with art right now. We'll have to do our 1:1 in Jan or Feb! You should get in some Blythe groups on Flickr-or maybe you are. Are you in Blythe in America? You should have joined our gift swap (oh, I guess I AM in swaps!). And you should join Arte du Blythe for the charm bracelet!

  3. Too cute!! Hope you have a great evening!!!

  4. There are places in Colorado where the tourists have fed the deer so often, that they aren't the least bit afraid of people and will happily come alongside to see if you have something to feed them.
