Tuesday, March 3, 2009

have I mentioned I hate to fly??

"Over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house I go... the plane knows the way and I hope it will stay... way up in the sky!! "
So off I go.. leaving here shortly to spend the night with my aunt.. and we'll be up at 4:00 am to catch a 6:00 am flight from roch to atlanta.. arriving in atlanta for a one and a half hour layover and then off to daytona.. should be arriving by noon. eiy yie yie!
now.. for all my praying blog buddies.. please do pray for extremely safe and totally uneventful flights.. (um... there are 4 flights to pray for.. 2 down and 2 back.. dont want to miss any !)
I do so LOVE my life.. I would just hate to lose it on a dumb airplane! though going to heaven would be cool.. but someone has to take care of all these boxes of easter eggs!!

And there are more on the way.. 16 more boxes i think! I will never be able to catch back up with all your blogs when I get back... so if anything important happens you'll have to let me know! well, my dumb husband fell asleep on the couch and I need to wake his hiney up and get him in gear.. I was hoping to get some dinner somewhere on the way to my aunts! toodles sweet little artsy fartsy bloggy girlies! I'll be back soon!


  1. have lots of fun Viv, and be safe...see you when you get back!!!

  2. You will be fine, you see I say that with ease because it is you not I that flies. I too hate to fly, I don't now why. Hey I just added your Blog to ones I follow. So I will be back (:
    Hugs, Diane

  3. If you are like me, once you get in the air, you will be ok. It's the takeoffs and landings that get me. Prayer has already been offered. Have fun. Susan

  4. I like flying--I just hate airports! Your guardian angel will watch over you. Besides, you have too much to do to die, silly.

    Enjoy the beach and the warmth!

    Cute bags!

  5. Have fun. Prayers for a safe flight. I take Dramamine when I fly for air sickness, but it just puts me night night, (love that!).

  6. Oh, Viv!!!
    I will surely be praying for you to have the safest and most pleasant of travels.

    That crown for your Aunt is beautiful!!!

    I hope you have a marvelous time with family and meeting friends. I'm just a "little" jealous!!!

    Looking forward to reading about your trip when you get back.

    Hugs... *Linda*

  7. Viv....have a wonderful trip!!! Sit back with a good book and enjoy the flight. Hopefully there won't be any crying babies!!! Can't wait til you get back to hear about your trip.
    xxoo - Valarie

  8. Have fun in the sun - oops cold and did I say "SNOW " in the south
    GA - yes 5 inches -- VIV wait will meet in Atlanta -- you can let me be your carry -on lol -
    need some warmth -- Oh those boxes - VIV ! and nary a sneek peek -- I wanna see them lol
    Kathy - ga

  9. Have fun in the sun - oops cold and did I say "SNOW " in the south
    GA - yes 5 inches -- VIV wait will meet in Atlanta -- you can let me be your carry -on lol -
    need some warmth -- Oh those boxes - VIV ! and nary a sneek peek -- I wanna see them lol
    Kathy - ga

  10. Viv,

    I said a quick prayer for your safety. I am jealous, my parents live 10 minutes from the Daytona airport. I wish I was flying with you!

  11. You are always in my thoughts and prayers Dear Viv...Hugs...m..

  12. Viv,

    I hope you have a great time with your Aunt! I hope the weather is great in Florida. I am surprised you could get out the front door past all of the egg boxes!!
    See you when you get back.

  13. Hey Viv! Have a wonderful time!!! Can't wait to hear about all the crazy things you did :)

  14. I see my box! Top little one on the right :)

    Good luck on the flight, chewing gum during take-off and landing will help your ears not pop.

  15. Have Fun!! Sent out lots of prayers. I know how you fill about flying but I do it a lot.
    Once I'm off the ground and back on the ground, it's good. :-)

  16. That should have been spelled feel not fill. LOL LOL

  17. Hey Viv!
    My eggs should be there by now :) Hope you had a great trip.

  18. glad you had a great trip! :) I think I see my box in there! :) Can't wait to go hunting! :)

