Wednesday, April 8, 2009


MOrning all.. no time to hang out.. just doing a little blog hopping to start the day. Gotta jump in the shower and get moving here.. hi ho hi ho its off to work I go!!
Im hoping to do a better post maybe tonight .. so be sure to stop back!


  1. morn'n back at ya...(she raises a cup o'cappucino toward the screen listening for the cyber clink) HAVE A GREAT DAY!

  2. Have a wonderful day Viv!!!

  3. Can't say mornin but will say afternoon to ya!!

  4. I'll be back. (I said that in Arnold's voice.)

  5. Morn´ Vivian, hehehe We say here in Lower Saxony/ Germany : Moin
    and now we have night here...
    I´m so glad about your last post, ....because finally I received my egg package. If you had´nt post all eggs with names I had to go for hunting again ;o)
    Nevertheless, I had a lot fun on sunday....
    but I don´t found the new owner of my blue fabric egg...Maybe she find me.

    Thank you for hosting this fun swap.

    Happy Easter!!!

  6. hi viv! hope you had a good day!

    xo nat

  7. hey there missie... i've been back among the blogging for a while, and i realized i hadn't stopped in to see you! hope you're having a good day and are enjoying our *wonderful* spring weather;)
    love ya♥

  8. Hay there sweet Viv !! Loved all the eggs !! Wish I would have had time to do that swaparoo...maybe next time. they are all wonderful. Love them !!! Hope you and yours have a blessed Easter...hugs to you, Mica
